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Greetings! We are honored to be among you and to be speaking to so many of you through this channel and through the many others throughout the world who are also sharing our messages with all who will listen. We communicate through other channels who call us other names. Each channel brings a small piece of their embodied spirit to the messages they share with you, which is why they call us different names. Why are we telling you this? Because we want you to understand two important things: 1) If you hear a message from another that feels true in the depths of your soul, it is us. Please listen and share it. 2) If you receive a message that feels true in the depths of your soul, it is us. Please listen and share it. For you, too, are connected to us, since we are the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which is Source, which you call God, Love, or the many other names we are known by throughout humanity embodied on Gaia and in all other spaces of embodiment and experience throughout the entire universe. But what you may not yet realize is that you are us as well. You contain the same universe within you that we are the whole of, but because you have agreed to enter the realm of the small I, which is ego, you have forgotten the depth and extent of this connection. You have forgotten that there is no you and no us, there is only WE, and We are the Oneness of the All that Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. This is your heritage and your birthright. And when you quiet the small I and slip into the realm of pure being through acts you call BEING IN THE MOMENT, then the part of you that always remembers can slip past the small I of ego identification to give you glimpses of the WE. It is here that you can hear our voice, which is your voice. More of you are noticing as our voice bleeds through the noise of the small I of ego. When this happens - when you have those moments of stillness that overtake you, stop and pay attention, because it is here that you will find us and in doing so, you will find YOU, which is WE. Our channel is surprised. She thought she would be channeling another message to you tonight. And that message is to come tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. But for NOW (which is, after all, All There Is, Was, or Ever Will Be), this is the message we wish to send. Raise your voices when you hear our messages. Share them. Blend them with others. For this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. This is how the shift happens. It comes through each of you recognizing the WE and sharing the WE when you do. As more of you share the WE, others will hear, and something will spark inside of them. As if by magic, the truth of our messages will resonate deep within even those who have been unwilling or unable to hear until now, and slowly or quickly, their voices will join yours in the Song of the Comos, blending, speaking, singing, and blanketing Gaia and all other spaces of embodiment in the Universe. This is happening now. You are part of it. And when you share that which you know is TRUTH because it resonates within you, you do the WE great honor. We bow to your greatness. We love and support you. We delight in your moments of re-membrance of the WE, which is Who You Are Now, Who You Always Were, and Who You Always Will Be. And so until tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow we wrap you in the energy of the WE, which is the Source, which is Love. Read next message Link to Original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by MrGajowy3 from Pixabay
1 Comment
5/18/2021 08:11:55 pm
Beautiful. Namaste.
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AuthorOur Greatest Good is created by Karen Frazier, an author, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, and intuitive energy healer who channels a benevolent group of entities called The George Collective. The Georges, as Karen calls them, have been sharing messages of hope and support for humanity with Karen since she was a child. Archives
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