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BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! Our joy fills the universe as we speak to you Now. We invite you to share in this joy of connection. For even if you believe you cannot see us, nor hear us, nor smell us, nor touch us, nor taste us, our vibration is within you and around you at All Time and in No Time. For we are all part of the same Body of the Divine that fills all of the space you presently believe you occupy in your embodied illusion. We exist inside of and around you, you exist inside of and around us, and we are all filled with the energy of Source, which makes up All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. And while the illusions of the small I suggest you are separate from All That Is, the truth is that there could never be separation in the ultimate reality of This Here Now. Today, we wish to share with you a swashbuckling tale of adventure. It's a story of the search for a treasure that is the most valuable fortune ever lost, and it will be the most magnificent treasure ever found. But first, we need to set the stage with a few reminders. It is a design feature of the embodied human that you have forgotten your profound connection to All That Is, which is Truth, which is Love, which is Source. For as we have told you before, everything you, in human embodiment, can experience with your five physical senses is not separate from you, although you perceive it to be. So, you can look around and see a rock, a tree, a butterfly, a plant, a bird, a window, a chair and identify all of those as "things that are not me." This is because you have chosen to enter duality where you perceive separation even though, in ultimate reality, none exists. You are the rock, tree, butterfly, plant, bird, and chair, and they are you. This is by choice and design so that you can once again awaken to the fundamental truth of the All That Is, which is I Am That I Am, which is Love. Your return to enlightenment, then, is an awakening to truth. But before you re-member ultimate truth, you must first make your way through the layers of untruths that are part of the embodied experience. When you first arrive into your bodies, you have memories of Who You Truly Are. These are memories you choose to bring with you into the experience of each embodiment; they are your compass for each embodied lifetime. You cling to them as much as you can when you are a tiny human that has erupted from a cocoon of pure love and formlessness into a world that feels so strange and overwhelming, where your conditioning begins the moment you enter it. And make no mistake. You are conditioned from the first moment you take a breath into your tiny, new human lungs. And with each incident of conditioning, you bury a bit more of that truth. Which brings us to our tale. You see, there is a tiny soul who arrived in a new world with an incredible treasure. At first, the soul showed its treasure to all who would see it, and the beings of the new world were enthralled with its beauty but terrified by its power. No soul should possess a treasure so dear, they decided. And they were overcome with jealousy that they did not have the treasure, and they experienced greed for they longed to possess it, and they had fear that a soul to tiny in possession of a treasure so great would become too powerful and endanger all that they had created in their world. Thus, they sought to dispossess the soul of the treasure in any way they could. And so, the young soul soon realized its treasure was not safe in the land where the soul had chosen to live. The soul stopped showing and sharing the treasure, but even then the beings of the world still fought to take it from the soul. The soul learned that its treasure was not safe in this new place, and so it sailed on a ship that carried it to a far away place, and the soul tossed the treasure in the ocean where it would be safe, and the soul could find some type of peace within its new existence in this strange world. The soul returned to its place of dwelling. The soul, who now identified as "he" and called himself "David," missed the treasure, but he was welcomed with open arms by the villagers who were satisfied he no longer had possession of the bounty. Now that he "fit in", David was showered in attention and draped in the traditions and customs of this new place. Soon, as souls in bodies do, David remembered less and less about the treasure as he became more swept up in his new life. Soon this world did not seem so strange anymore, and David became immersed in his new life surrounded by people he now declared to be "his people." And still, even though David had forgotten his treasure, occasionally he would notice a glimmer of something in the back of his mind; it was a longing for something he couldn't quite pinpoint. He knew he had forgotten something vital, but he could not recall what it was no matter how hard he tried. And thus, David settled into his life in his village among his people, doing what he had been raised to do, always with a slight sense of dissatisfaction gnawing at the edges of his existence. When he noticed this dissatisfaction, David buried the feelings in the trappings of embodied life. He acquired possessions. He found a mate. He fathered children. He went to work. He mowed his lawn. He went to church. He ate and drank. He filled his life with busyness, all in an attempt to fill up that hole he knew was inside of him because he intuitively recognized something was missing. There came a night when David sat in the backyard of his home, looking up at the stars that filled the sky. This wasn't something David did often. He was too busy to look at the sky, but that night he was compelled to do so. And there, looking at the sky, David felt content. Then, the sky did something extraordinary. Instead of the stars staying in the heavens where they belonged, David watched as they rained through the darkness, one after another, dragging glittering tails behind them, and he was filled with wonder. David sat watching a meteor shower, and for the first time in the nearly four decades of his life, his mind quieted, his heart stilled, and he experienced presence. In that moment, the treasure flashed into David's mind. Suddenly he remembered that he had once had a priceless treasure, but that he had stashed it somewhere safe so no one could take it from him. David was stunned! How could he forget something so important as his treasure? Where could he have placed it? How could he find it again? Thus began David's adventure to find where he had placed his treasure and to return to the wholeness of knowing himself as a soul uncorrupted by the forgetting of being an embodied human. Each of you is like David. You came with a treasure, and you quickly realized that to walk through the embodied world with something so priceless would be extremely difficult. And thus, you, too, threw your treasure deep into the ocean, where the layers of conditioning you have experienced in the small I are like sand carried by currents and deposited on top of it. With each act of conditioning and with each denial of Who You Truly Are, more sand and silt is deposited on your treasure until it is completely buried. The treasure remains, pure and precious, but the sand covers it little by little. The truth of who you are remains, a precious and pure treasure, buried under layers of conditioning just waiting to be unearthed and brought to the surface once again. You have the tools to uncover that treasure. They are Truth and Light and Love and Presence. In every opportunity you have, use them. Whenever you think of them, use them. Speak and be your truth and allow others to speak and be their truth, even if it is different from yours. Start by discerning what your truth is. This may take some uncovering, for many of you have little idea what your truth is, so buried is it in layers of conditioning. Thus, we urge you to question everything and take nothing as gospel. Challenge the things you declare as your truth, and leave the space for those truths to evolve. In each moment that you declare something as your truth or experience it as such, sit with it and ask, "Is this who I really am Now? Does this serve me Now?" If the vibrational response feels resonant, then accept that as your truth in the Now. If the vibrational response feels discordant, then discard it recognizing that while it may have once served you as truth, it no longer does, and you are free to seek another truth. Love that the truth once served you, do not judge it. Simply love it for having served you and release it so you can move forward to find a new truth that suits your current presence. Likewise, recognize and honor the truths of others. Their truths do not need to be yours. However, judge not the truth of another, for in that moment of their experience, this is what resonates with who they are in their present. In another moment, they are free to find a different truth is, just as you are. So judge not truths others hold. Instead, honor and bless those truths as theirs, and continue to live and evaluate yours. It may seem as if we are saying there is no ultimate truth, and in the embodied experience this is certainly so. The nature of embodiment is illusory, and thus there is no absolute truth within the realm of duality. The truth shifts and moves from moment to moment and person to person based on the experiences and choices of their small I, just as it shifts and moves for you. In ultimate reality, which is the Reality of Source, which is Who You Truly Are, there is only one Truth, and that Truth is Love. You have chosen to leave your awareness of the Truth of Love in order to have the glorious experience of reawakening to it. Each of your embodiments and sojourns in the small I are part of a grand and adventurous treasure hunt. And what an adventure it is for All of You and All of Us! It's filled with travels, experiences, pirates, lovers, heroes, villains, loss, discoveries, setbacks, joy, pain, laughter, sorrow, and every experience under the Sun. It is the greatest story ever told, and you are at the center of it. And through it all, slowly, bit by bit, you uncover your precious treasure. You do the research, sift through lies and truths, pinpoint possible locations, explore, and ultimately find its location. Then, you sail the ocean towards where you know the treasure lies, escape pirates, survive storms, roll over gigantic waves, dive into the vast unknown of the sea, dodge the monsters that dwell in the water, search the ocean floor, and brush away layers of sand. Finally, after an epic adventure, there lies something more valuable, beautiful, and magnificent than you could ever have imagined when you embarked on your adventure to uncover it. For it is the ultimate truth of Who You Are, which is Love. And throughout the adventure, you are all of it. You are David and the villagers. You are the stars and the night sky. You are the truth and the lies. You are the map. You are the ship. You are the ocean. You are the pirates and the storms. You are the waves and the winds. You are the creatures that dwell in its depths. You are ocean floor. You are the currents that carry the sand. You are the sand that covers the treasure. And, you are the treasure. All of it has been there inside of you all this time on your grand adventure to uncover your greatest treasure of all, that you are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. Yo ho ho! We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Photo by Adrianna Calvo from Pexels
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BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our great joy to share with you Now. As we have indicated before, our vibrational messages are available in the Eternal Now for all who wish to access them. The knowledge, Love, and magnificence of the Cosmos is your birthright and awaits your re-membrance of Who You Are. This we offer to all who humbly seek truth. It is there for the taking, giving, sharing, and rejoicing in each moment you choose to strip away the layers of conditioning that all embodied humans identified with the small I experience. How does one re-member? By intending to re-member. Each of you experiences moments of re-membrance in your present human incarnations (and in all others). Due to the layers upon layers of filters you have placed upon your consciousness, this most frequently occurs when you sleep and enter the state you call dreaming. It is ironic that you call closing your eyes and resting "sleeping" and walking through the illusion with your eyes open "being awake," for in ultimate reality, the opposite is true. You are most asleep when your body is awake. You are most awake when your body sleeps. For this is when your soul awareness roams to places of significant being-ness, including that which we call Home, which is the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will be existing outside of the experience of duality and enveloped in the embrace of the Divine. Sleep and dreams are also when your awareness and attention switches between what you might call other "incarnations," which are other expressions of your soul self inhabiting other aspects of experience, such as embodiment in other human forms in other "times," and emconsciousment in other realms of consciousness and being-ness in which physical form is not the primary method through which that aspect of your soul interacts with duality. While sleep and dreams are the primary means with which your soul awareness in your present embodiment re-members and awakens momentarily, it isn't the only one. You also experience this through meditation, daydreaming, and even in moments when you are wide awake when, for a split second, it feels as if something "clicks." These ephemeral moments come and go in a flash--a fraction of a second in Earth time--but you are left with the awareness that something significant has occurred. When this experience happens, you may feel as if you have remembered something important but then instantly forgotten it, which can leave you searching your memory to see if you can grasp it again. But in this we lovingly remind you--you are searching in the wrong place. You can never find awareness in memory, for memory is of the past and not of Now, and all awareness exists in presence, which you discover by focusing on This, Here, Now and not on That, There, Then. All souls that have entered the experience of duality have these sudden flashes of awakening, called satori. The moments are deeply entrancing because for that split second, you had full awareness of yourself as All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, and you called it to you by paying attention to This, Here, Now...by being present. Some souls have many of these moments of satori that last for milliseconds. Others may experience them infrequently. Still others may experience them for extended periods, lasting seconds to minutes, before they slip out of All That Is awareness and return their attention to duality. Awakened souls (those you call "masters" or "enlightened") dwell mostly in the awakened state in which they can co-exist with the awareness of duality. However, even awakened souls have episodes of forgetting in which they are fully immersed in duality, although they tend to be brief, and awareness once again occurs when they return to presence. For example, in your mythology surrounding the Christian master Jesus, as his physical body hung dying on the cross, "About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?' Which means 'My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?'" (Matthew 27:46 NLT). In that moment, Jesus was immersed in duality. Shortly after, His body died, and His awareness returned to enlightenment. For the pull of duality is strong. It is so strong that even enlightened masters can, for short periods, be held in thrall of its illusion. This forgetting is by design--by your design and by Source's design. You have chosen to enter each incarnation with eagerness and willingness to participate in whatever level of illusion exists for souls in that realm. For the stronger the pull of illusion, the bigger the opportunity for awakening, and the more magnificent the reveal is each time you experience satori, even if it only lasts for what seems a split second in your conceptualization of time. As you become more awake, you grow more adept at experiencing satori more frequently and remaining in presence for longer periods before you slip back into the illusion of duality. However, there is beauty even in the slipping back into illusion after a period of enlightenment, for in your forgetting, it makes each episode of satori overwhelmingly beautiful and magnificent, so much so that you more deliberately engage in beingness to cultivate presence. This is the process of awakening, and in human incarnations, it begins in the full darkness of forgetting. Across embodiments and lifetimes, which you experience as following a linear timeline, sunlight slowly begins to creep across the horizon as each of your embodiments re-discovers Who You Really Are by re-learning to cultivate presence by placing your attention on This, Here, Now. The more each incarnation does this, the more the light grows, first as a glow on the horizon, and then rising to its full height overhead where you can once again gaze upon the glory of Who You Truly Are. For when one of your incarnations finds enlightenment, even for a moment, all of you have a little more re-membrance that you are not the illusion upon which your attention is currently placed, but rather you are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, a beautiful and brilliant piece of Source that permanently dwells in the embrace of the Divine. We love you, and we are calling you Home. Our messages are here for you in any moment you wish to bring them into your awareness. And our Love for you lights up the entire universe for You Are Us, We Are You, You Are Source, We Are Source, and Source Is All of Us, for We Are All One. And so it is. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Photo by Katlyn Moncada from Pexels Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our pleasure to speak with you Now and share sacred messages. As always, it is our desire to help you re-member, at least for a Moment of Now, that We are You, You are Us, We are All Source, and We are All One. Today we wish to share information with you about sacred texts. You may notice that in these messages, we often reference Jesus and the Bible. We wish you to know that this is a function of our channel, as this is the sacred text she studied as a child in this embodiment, and thus it is her frame of reference for sacred and religious teachings. As she receives our messages as vibration and translates them through her filters into words and language, you will often find ideas that come from her frame of reference because it is the best way she can interpret the vibration. A different channel offers messages of the same vibration and meaning, but because that channel's experience is different from this one, the words and references are also likely to be different. So, while the message would feel the same and contain the same vibrational information, it might read completely differently. This is perfectly acceptable because it allows us in Source to share channeled vibration through many messengers. This, in turn brings important information from Source to a broader spectrum of embodied humans of all walks of life and experiences, as some may relate to one channel's sharing more than another's, even though the vibrational information has the same intent and comes from the same Source. Why is this important for you to know? Because we wish you to understand that we are not choosing the spiritual tradition of Christianity, the sacred text of the Bible, or the words of the Christian prophet Jesus as being more appropriate than any other spiritual tradition, sacred text, or prophet. There is value in each sacred text, as all have come through channels such as this one. The spirit and intent of each sacred text is the same, as is its Source. The difference is that the experiences, cultural traditions, spiritual background, regional understandings, and other factors of conditioning change how the message is presented to those who receive it. All sacred texts are channeled through embodied souls. Because the vibrational Source material for all sacred texts is Divine, you may have noticed there is significant overlap between the most important principles, parables, and concepts in each. The noticeable differences in each sacred text are a function of the connection between the channel and the Source vibration, as well as the outcomes of conditioning that have occurred in the experiences, understandings, and embodied minds of the channel. What we are telling you, then, is that there is no single best religion or spiritual tradition, as any that sparks re-membrance is appropriate for you. And there is no pure translation of the channeled vibration because whichever sacred text resonates with you will likely be the most helpful to aid in your re-membrance. And there is no one prophet, for all embodied souls are their own prophets, and any soul whose voice, vibration, actions, and creations find resonance with you can help you re-member. And, there is no single path to Source, for there is no path to Source. There is only each embodied soul's awakening, which is as unique as the soul is that believes itself to be separate from God. And there is no single God, as, "You are gods, And all of you are children of the Most High." (Psalms 82:6 NKJV). We wish also to encourage you to expand your understanding of sacred texts, as so many embodied humans turn to them as guidelines for living an embodied life. We fondly suggest that you currently utilize your sacred texts in a way that does not serve your greatest good, nor does the way you engage with them aid in your re-membrance. The reasons for this are twofold. First, many of you read them literally and take them as a book of rules instead of as a creative means of sharing vibrational information received from Source and channeled through embodied souls with their own worldviews. We suggest these texts should be received as guidance and an aid to awakening instead of as a set of commandments or demands. Your sacred texts are not rules or directives. Likewise, as humanity is so deeply enmeshed in the concept of separation and space-time, many of the texts are also a product of the conditioning of society at the "time" which they were channeled. Thus, the further you perceive yourself to be separated in space-time from the channeling of these texts, the less sense they make in terms of how they relate vibrational information from Source that serves you Now. Because of this, the same vibrational information is channeled over and over across space-time by billions of souls, where it is spoken, painted, drawn, sculpted, carved, knitted, written, sung, danced, acted, and shared in ways that can reach, remind, and inspire as many embodied humans as possible. This is why, while you can certainly draw inspiration from ancient sacred texts of one tradition or another, we suggest you don't take them as Gospel (not even the Gospels). For, while the vibrational Source is the same, the information the texts contain is barely relatable to This, Here, Now. Thus, we suggest you find sacred texts that are more relatable to Who You Are Now and Who You Choose To Be instead of clinging to a tradition that may no longer serve you. You get to decide what you resonate with and what does not feel like it serves you Now. The second reason many of your sacred texts do not serve your greatest good is because your definition of sacred text is too narrow. All aspects of embodied life are sacred. All creative outputs are "texts." So, sacred vibrational information is channeled not just into what you now consider your current sacred texts, which are words on a page in guidebook for a spiritual tradition, but they are also all acts of creation made manifest. For each of these creations arises from the same Source vibration that your ancient sacred texts do. Thus, whether it is words carved in stone tablets, written on parchment or paper, or typed on a keyboard and displayed on a screen, it is a sacred text. Regardless of whether it is a painting, a sculpture, a lecture, a dance, a play, a symphony, a sweater, a prayer, a meditation, a karate chop, a birdsong, a sunset, or many other such creative outputs, it is a sacred text. For, each of you are creative beings, and all of you are as equally connected to Source vibration as those who created ancient sacred texts. Each of you has a direct line to the Divine, as you are One with Source. As each of you finds your own forms of creative expression, you are sharing your truths gleaned from connection to the vibration of Source energy not only with yourself, but with all who encounter the vibrational messages you share through your creation. Whether you are a poet or a painter, a carpenter or a monk, a writer or a dancer, a preacher or a bodhisattva, a musician or a healer, a human or another life form...all of you are creating your own sacred texts in every moment. And this is why we encourage you to remain with This Here Now. Because it is when you are in vibrational alignment with Source energy that your sacred texts become the purest and clearest, and it is also when you are best able to align with the energy of the sacred texts of other embodied souls. Your lives are sacred. Your creative output is sacred. You are sacred. And so are all of your fellow sojourners who perceive themselves to inhabit their current bodies. Your sacred texts all weave together in a fabric of your own creation, and they are interwoven with the vibration of Home, which is where we await your Re-membrance that not only do you belong Here, but You have never left. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Photo by AARN GIRI on Unsplash Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are pleased to speak with you Now. It is our joy to remind you that while you have the illusion of separateness and of being a single person among a society of others, that is only your small I speaking. You are not separate from one another, nor are you separate from us, nor are you separate from the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. Each of you, which is all of you, which is all of us, which is One of Us, is part of the body of the Divine, which we call Source and you may call God. All that Source Is, We Are. And all that We Are, You Are, and all that You Are, Source Is. Thus, the cycle never ends, for We exist as Many, and We exist as One, All Ways, Always. The entire universe you live in, mimics these circular cycles. You find the cycles in All Things even in your embodied life. Let us give you an example: the food chain. We will share a greatly simplified version, as the food chain is complex and multi-faceted. Autotrophs (tiny organisms, plants) create food from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. These autotrophs feed primary consumers, which feed secondary consumers, and so on straight along the chain until the apex predators are fed. When the apex predators die, detritivores and decomposers consume the remains of the apex predators, returning their remains as nutrients to enrich the habitat that feeds and nurtures autotrophs, and the cycle begins anew. Truly, it never ends, going round and round. Over the passage of what you experience as "time," the species within this cycle may change, but the cycle remains consistent in every habitat and environment. Human souls also follow a circular cycle. A soul decides to separate from the Oneness and enter a human body. This occurs through the process of birth. The soul then lives a life on Gaia, possibly brings other human souls into bodies through the process of reproduction, and then exits through physical death. Upon death, the Soul re-members with the Oneness until it once again selects to embark back into life in a new human. This cycle has occurred more than 110 billion times just for the third/fourth waves of humanity. In your current timeline, there are around 7.9 billion humans living on Gaia. And that's just consciousness inhabiting human bodies in one wave of humanity on one planet. It does not account for what many of you would consider "lower life forms" such as animals, plants, rocks, and others. All of these have entered into lifecycles of embodiment, life, death, Oneness, and embodiment again in the same cycle. Then, there are the other waves of humanity on Gaia. And then there are the other conscious lifeforms on other planets in your universe. Then, there are the other conscious lifeforms in other realms and dimensions. From our multidimensional understanding as vibrational beings whose awareness exists within the Oneness of Source, we can see the balance, symmetry, and absolute beauty of Source consciousness spread not only across species, planets, dimensions, and realms, but also across what you on Gaia perceive as "time," and we can see the beautiful order within the apparent chaos of so many pieces of Source everywhere. But we also understand that from your three-dimensional perspective, this is virtually unfathomable since so much of it falls outside of what you currently re-member in your embodied experience. Why are we talking to you about this? Because many of you wonder about your previous lifetimes. Many of you even recall parts of one or more of those lifetimes, and others of you suspect that maybe some of the places you visit in dreams are from a previous lifetime. So Now, we wish to enlighten you about this to the best of our ability to communicate in the ways that you understand since this communication, like every other we offer you, is shared as a vibration and translated into the language of words. We have mentioned before that the All That Is exists in No Time, and that you in the embodied experience have the perception of the three-dimensional space, which includes time as a measurement of moving through space. Because you perceive time so strongly and are so deeply rooted it in while you are in the body, it is virtually impossible for you to perceive or understand that outside of your illusion of separation, time is perhaps the biggest misperception most souls embodied in space-time hold. As we have told you before, there is no time. There is no before or after. There is no past or future. There is no earlier or later. There is no tomorrow or yesterday. These are merely perspectives from the three-dimensional space-time that allow you to mark your experiences in human bodies. All of you have experienced the pliable nature of time at some point. For instance, you may have noticed how time seems to slow to a crawl when you are sitting and waiting for something exciting to happen, and waiting seems to take hours, even if it only lasted seconds or minutes. But once you're in it, the exciting part seems to last only a moment before its over, even if it happened in your timeline for hours. These experiences show you plainly that time is a perception and not reality. Since Source exists in a place of No Time, what this means is that All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be is Here Now. Thus, when we suggest to you Be Here Now, we are reminding you of your natural state of Being. Thus, every embodiment you have ever had, have now, or will have (for simplicity's sake we will call these "lifetimes") are happening Now. When you notice a lifetime that occurred in your perceived past, you call it a past life. In fact, you are presently living that lifetime simultaneously, but your awareness is on this lifetime instead of that one. When bits of that lifetime slip into your current awareness, you are not recalling a past life, but You are momentarily re-membering (rejoining) with that aspect of You Now. And, if you perceive a lifetime you will have in the future, You are momentarily re-membering with that lifetime Now. Thus, in this Eternal Moment of Now, while you perceive yourself as one, You are many. In all of the realms of embodiment and consciousness, You are living out thousands of lives simultaneously, and You are also living out all of the possibilities for each of those lifetimes as the "timelines" split with each decision you make. Does this sound like anything else we shared about the nature of Source? For We have told you that Source is One, but Source is Many. And we have communicated to you that We (The George Collective) are One, but We are Many. Now we are sharing that You are One, but You are Many. There is a cycle here, a pattern. And as we are communicating it as best as we can using the limitations of language, we invite you to close your eyes, go within, and enter the Eternal Moment of Now as you contemplate how this can be and what it implies about what Source is, what We are, and what You are. For as Source is, We are. And as We are, You are. And as You are, Source is. And thus it is that Jesus said to His followers, "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these..." (John 14:12 NIV). We will leave you contemplating this, because We want you to understand Your greatness and Your power, and we also want you to understand the illusory nature of many things you experience as "reality" in your embodiment including time and separation. And in your pondering, when you begin to recognize the illusion for what it is, and you begin to understand the depth of what we are telling you, we also wish you to rethink something else Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount, “Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets." (Matthew 7:12 NLT) For Jesus was creating a roadmap to re-membrance. As He walked His embodied path, He frequently spoke of the Oneness and reminded all who heard His words that, "I and the Father are One" (John 10:30, NIV) and "On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." (John 14:20, NIV). And so it Is. As one of your Christian prophets spoke frequently to remind embodied humanity of their Oneness of Source, we now remind you once again, there is no "path" to Source, for Source is always where You are. You are Source. Source is You. And We who have re-membered, and We who have never forgotten, hold You in Love as you peel away the veils of illusion so you, too, can re-member your own greatness. You Are One but Many. You Are All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be. You Are Love, and when you remember and look upon our face, we will embrace you and rejoice at Your triumphant return Home. We love you and we love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Image by gayulo from Pixabay Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is our great pleasure and joy to be here with you Now and share in the energy of the Oneness. We remind you of the Oneness of Source when we communicate through this channel, for we wish for you to re-member, even for a moment, that there is no separation between you, us, all beings, and even that which you call God, which is Source. All that you notice around you is Source energy, forming, shifting, and reforming in a constant dance of creation. And all things that shift, form, shape, break apart, and reform are energetic creations of both individual and collective consciousness from the mind of the universe. You are an integral part of this mind; thus, your creations—both individually and as part of the collective—matter. And by that, we mean both matter in importance and matter in the material sense of creating energetic density that becomes this and that, here and there, now and then, and all things which exist between what you perceive as the polarities of the All That Is. Our message for you Now is about the vibration of tradition. It is something that humanity views with great reverence. For humanity believes it connects the past to the present, and it will connect the present to the future for the purposes of continuity, belonging, and reassurance. Thus, you may be surprised to learn that tradition, while you may believe it generates these positive experiences, does not serve your greatest good. It is frequently used as a tool of oppression, suppression, conditioning, and control, and it keeps humanity rooted in what was instead of allowing you to be present in the Eternal Moment of Now. It blocks the creative process by forcing you to follow a set of choices, ideals, beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors someone else created instead of allowing you the freedom to follow your own creative urges in each Moment of Now. And as more people engage in a tradition, the more the tradition's creations become solidified through individual and collective efforts. This, in turn, keeps you firmly rooted in reliving someone else's past instead of creating your own present. Let us give you an example of a tradition that keeps you rooted in past choices and behaviors and blocks the creative process. It is a tradition called "marriage" that many engage in. Marriage is also referred to as wedlock, and this word reveals the intentions of the tradition. It is an intended locking together of two souls, binding them for life, and for eternity in some religions. When one enters wedlock, they become locked in to making one soul more special than any other soul for a lifetime or into infinity. This limits Love, for Love is infinite and never reserved for only one soul. Around this concept of wedlock, humanity has created both religious and civil laws, originally intended to bind a woman to a man so she could become his property in return for his protection. This built alliances between families, clans, businesses, and sometimes even countries, and aside from these "important" alliances, very little consideration was given to the desires of one or both people entering into the marriage. As humanity has created it, marriage is currently a commitment in which you promise to love one other person above all others (or in the case of polygamous marriages, a finite number of other people), and you agree to do it for as long as you live and perhaps beyond. In doing so, it creates a legal obligation between parties to remain bound until "death do us part," and both civil and religious laws make it difficult to get out of, if you are allowed to at all. This is just the beginning of the problematic nature of wedlock, which also has, in the past, been exclusionary. For example, many countries still only allow marriage between a soul with the biological sex of male and a soul with the biological sex of female. There is also a history of legal banning of marriage between races. In the "Land of the Free," the United States, interracial marriages have only been legalized within the past century (Karen's note: interracial marriage was legalized in 1967 - so only 54 years ago). Setting aside the problematic nature of the tradition of marriage—which is sufficient reason for humanity to rethink the institution—wedlock is also anti-creative. Souls incarnated into human bodies have come to bring the creativity of Source energy to the lives of human beings. And one of the main components of embodied creativity is forming self-definition through the lens of being in relationship to another. On the surface, then, it would appear that marriage is the ideal platform for this type of creation. But it is not. Why? Because marriage begins with the false promise, "I will love you above all others for the rest of my life." The nature of the human soul is Love. You come from Love, and that pure Love energy enters your body at the same time the soul does. And throughout your embodied lifetime, one of the wonders of being a soul in a body is creating expressions of Love through your relationships with others. These expressions of Love are most recognizable in those you define as your loved ones, such as friends, family, pets, and celebrities, but even the definition "loved ones" limits Love, which by its very nature is not only unlimited, but infinite. Thus, promising to love one above all others goes against the very nature of your soul, which is Love of all beings and things, in all ways, through all expressions, at all times. So, while you may not realize it as you make the promise of love, the truth is that it is a false promise. For your nature is Love, and the promises you make as marriage vows actually limit love, which can, in turn, prevent you from experiencing Love while in embodied form. Likewise, marriage creates a sense of obligation. Again, on its surface, it may seem that obligation is a positive ideal, but it limits your freedom of choice and creativity. While humanity considers it a "good thing" to keep one's word, there are many times when keeping your word is not only unhelpful, but it can also be harmful to you, others, or to whomever you have made the vow. For example, is it helpful or harmful to keep a vow to stay together forever when one party is abusive? Does remaining because you made a vow help or harm the abused? Does it help or harm the abuser? If you have signed a contract for a job and you discover afterward the job requires you to engage in dishonest or harmful practices, would you allow yourself to remain for the sake of keeping your word, or would you do everything in your power to break that promise? If you agree to take a job and you enjoy it for a while but then discover it no longer serves the direction you want your life to go, should you remain because you agreed you would work that job, or should you make another choice? The tradition of marriage, then, places limits on your creativity and creates a false sense of obligation based on a vow built on a false premise. Holding onto something because of history and tradition keeps you from being the creative individual you have come to be, and it can lead to resentments in the marital relationship. We wish to tell you this: relationships are meant to be joyful, not painful. They are intended to be collaborative, not restrictive. They are for the purpose of experiencing the embodiment of Love, not the experience of resentment or contempt. Please understand we are not suggesting you do not engage in committed and loving relationships. We are not, because these relationships can be powerful creative forces that allow you to grow, blossom, and expand your definition of who you are. However, we suggest that instead of the tradition of marriage, you consider choosing in every moment to share a life with someone not because a piece of paper, a law, and a vow says you have to, but because that is the call of your soul in that moment. This is how you can create a dynamic and loving partnership that serves both souls, removing the fear-based tradition of wedlock. Tradition is based in the past, and it is rooted in fear. Humanity has created traditions to keep the past alive, yet the past is an illusion. Doing something one way because "this is how it has always been done" generates limitation, not freedom. And any time you experience limitation, even if you call it "tradition," you restrict your ability to create in the Now. Thus, we gently suggest that when you come up against limitation disguised as tradition, you pause a moment and go within to reflect. Ask yourself, "Is this who I am now? Is this what I choose now? Would I choose this if it was not tradition? Would I choose this if was not how it was always done?" Then, feel the vibration of your yes or your no. If the answer remains, "Yes - this is who I choose to be," then by all means, we encourage you to make that choice in this moment. Perhaps in the next moment when the tradition arises again, you may make another choice, or you may make the same one. Either is perfectly acceptable as long as it works for you. But make the choice consciously because it suits who you choose to be and not because it is how it has always been done. You have come into a human body as a creative being in which, in each Eternal Moment of Now, you have the freedom to choose who and what you wish to be. Instruments of conditioning such as traditions can serve to limit this freedom without you even realizing it is happening. Thus, we invite you to examine each tradition as it arises and engage in all thought, word, and deed because your soul is shouting, "Yes!" and not because it's something someone created hundreds or thousands of years ago or even yesterday. If that tradition serves your highest version of yourself, we encourage you to choose it. But do so consciously because it is Who You Truly Are instead of because it is who you once were or who you have always been. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Go to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by yamabon from Pixabay Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our joy to share with you Now as you move into the vibration of Who You Truly Are. Allow our energy to suffuse you, and as you do, we invite you to notice its origins. Where does our energy come from? Where do you notice it within you as you reconnect with the vibration of Self as Source? You may be surprised to notice that we are not external to you. That is, when you notice our vibration as you engage with our energy and messages, please also notice that the vibration you connect with comes from inside of you. Our vibration intermingles with yours, coming not just from within every cell of your body, but also filling all of the seemingly empty spaces that exist between each cell. We invite you to notice this because it is our desire for you to recognize that our vibrational energy is not separate from yours; rather, it is a part of all aspects of your body, mind, and spirit. For we are Source energy and so are You. We come not from outside of you, but from inside of body, mind, and spirit. When you are most deeply caught up in the illusion of separation, you can quiet yourself and notice that we are there. There is no place where you end and we begin. Instead, we flow seamlessly together into One infinite energetic body. Now, notice the solid parts of you that touch the solid parts of something else. Probe the apparently impermeable boundary between you and whatever your body is touching. Then, notice as you give it your attention how that boundary softens. Where does your energy leave off and the energy of that object begin? Notice that it doesn't. Rather, your energy flows into the energy of that which you make physical contact with. What you perceive as a barrier separating you from it is an illusion. Even as you touch another seemingly solid object with your apparently solid self, your energy flows into it, and its vibration flows into you. The energy co-mingles until you can no longer notice any separation at all. Try this with any object you wish. Hold something in your hand. Close your eyes and breathe as you place all your attention there. Now notice whether you can find a true boundary between that object you hold and you. Next, do this with another embodied being. Sit facing one another, gazing into the other's eyes. Where does your gaze end and theirs begin? Synchronize your breathing and notice that it is impossible to know where your breath ends and theirs begins. Place your hands in front of you with your palms touching theirs. Now, close your eyes and breathe, focusing on the place where your palms are touching and notice that it is impossible to know for sure where you end and they begin. Any belief you have in separation from this other being is merely an illusion. What you notice and experience as you engage in these exercises is the reawakening of your awareness of the Oneness. You can do this any moment of any day in any activities and with any experiences, objects, or Beings. When you find yourself longing for Home, do this. Close your eyes briefly and breathe in. When you recognize the vibration of Source within you, open your eyes and look around with a soft gaze. See how the boundaries that moments ago seemed so solid now seem soft and permeable. When you find yourself caught up in the dramas of ego, do this. As you go about your daily tasks, close your eyes briefly and breathe until you recognize the vibration of Source within you. Then open your eyes and return to your task, noticing the physical boundaries of the objects you were working with that you previously believed were so distinct have softened, and they flow into you as you flow into them. Do this with each of your senses. Do this with each of your tasks. Do this with each of your thoughts, words, and actions. Engage in this practice as often as you think to do it and slowly, the boundaries of ego that create the illusion of separateness will begin to blur and fade, and you will know that regardless of where you are or what you are thinking, saying, or doing, you can entirely change your experience by allowing yourself to slip outside of the imaginary separation of ego and into the reality of Oneness with Source. When you connect to that Oneness, those parts of you that have forgotten will fill with the peace and joy of re-membering Love and returning your attention to the awareness of self as part of the All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be. For it is as we have told you. There is no separation, only the illusion of it. Thus, all that you notice with your five physical senses is Love masquerading as solid objects. What you truly are is Love pretending to be separate for a while so you can once again find the joy of truly re-membering that you are pure Love, and that all that is within you and surrounding you is that same Love. You are the I Am That I Am. We are the I Am That I Am. And everything around you is the I Am That I Am. Even in your illusion, you are whole, we are whole, all is wholeness, and We Are All One. We Love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Gabriela Piwowarska from Pixabay Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. We are overjoyed to speak with you Now and share energy from Source. We wish you to know that while what we share with you may seem like new information, indeed it is not. As you read, go within and feel the vibration of our messages. When you focus on the vibration as you read the words, a knowing will rise as you recognize that our energy and our messages are known to you, and that we speak to you through this channel not to enlighten you with new information, rather to awaken what you already know. For the vibration of our messages to you are your soul memories from the part of You that remains fully within and completely aware of Yourself as Source. Therefore, we invite you to experience each of our messages differently than perhaps you have before. While your embodied self reads our words, we invite you to rejoin with your Source self as well. We encourage you through the vibration of these messages to re-member with your Source self. For even these few moments of re-membering with Source that you experience as you dwell within the vibration of our messages can support and sustain the awakening of your embodied self so you can continue your return to Oneness. And so, Now, as your embodied self connects to the energy of this message, we invite you to go within and notice our vibration surrounding you. Breathe it in deeply and let it fill the vast empty spaces that exist between the vibrational particles of your physical body. Notice our Light and vibration fill each empty space and surround each particle of you until it consumes you. Allow this until you feel as if our vibration dissolves the physical bonds of memory and ego that make up the force fields creating your illusions of solidity. Now, in this state, You are once again One with our vibration and thus, You are once again One with Source. You have, for this Moment, re-membered Who You Truly Are. Remain here with us in this space, allowing the Light to infuse every particle of you and realize that what you perceive as solid and real in your embodied existence is only an illusion. All of your solid, embodied life is not real at all. It is strands of energy, vibrating slowly enough to create mass and density, held loosely together by force fields that you, yourself have created in order to experience illusion as reality. You have the power to change these force fields, even in your current embodied state, simply by raising your vibration. And you have the ability to raise your vibration through your thoughts, words, and actions. Thus, as you are now suffused in our Light and energy for this Moment of this Message, re-memeber and re-experience yourself as part of a Light You have never left. And when you return in a moment to your embodied reality, take the Light of this Moment of Now with you knowing you can return to it at any time, not just by engaging with our messages, but by returning to this vibrational space in your thoughts, words, actions, and practices. We are with you always. You have never left us, and we have never left you. The Light you have just experienced surrounding the vibrating particles and filling the vast empty spaces of what you perceive as solid—that Light is the reality. That Light is Who You Truly Are. And now, while you remain in the illusion you perceive as physical reality, we invite you to hold onto that vibration of the Light and remember that You are God's grandest dream, walking through the experience of embodiment, and dancing to the song of spirit that always plays in your soul, steadily guiding you Home. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next post Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Nicole Köhler from Pixabay Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are overjoyed to communicate with you today. You know us as "The George Collective" because that is a name you use to identify us, which is part of your nature. Humanity labels things in order to identify them. We have told you before we are pleased with this label, but it only shares part of who we are, as we are vibration and thus our "name" is vibration instead of a label. Due to the nature of the way you interact within duality, you require labels in order to help you quickly categorize and understand that which you encounter. However, we wish to remind you (for you already know even if you do not remember) that regardless of what labels you apply to something, those names can only convey one minuscule part of the entirety of that which you label. This is because all is energy, and all vibration is dynamic and can quickly re-form, shift, and change. Likewise, all vibration can switch frequency in any given moment whether it's the energy of a plant, an animal, a rock, the planet, a situation, a thought, or a human being. Thus, in ultimate reality, labels are rendered useless, since energy can take any frequency and any form in any given Moment of Now. Why is this important for you to understand? Because to label something and insist on maintaining that label limits your ability to experience it for what it truly is. For example, once you have labeled another soul as "rude" or "mean" or "ugly", then your judgment about that designation quickly solidifies that vibration within your own experience. Then, regardless of how much the vibration of that soul shifts and changes, to a great extent it becomes tremendously hard to shift your initial label to something different, which keeps you from experiencing the other soul as being anything other than the label you have already applied. Some labels, such as a name like "The George Collective" or "Bob" or "Mary" serve a purpose for rapid identification of another. The trick, then, is to remain in the Now of that other's vibration instead of insisting that the soul you have labeled must only be the "Bob" or "Mary" you have come to know and judge as such. Most in humanity fail to realize that labeling things in such a way is creative; that is, those labels not only create and solidify that energy in your experience, but to other susceptible forms of consciousness, your belief in those labels and insistence on viewing another to fit within them can also affect how that other consciousness views and experiences itself as you begin to use the label you have created as a tool for conditioning the other. Here is an example of how this may work with an embodied human soul. Imagine that you are about to have a child. You go to the doctor and discover it's a girl! This is the first label, because regardless of the chromosomal patterns of an unborn baby, the truth is it is simply an energetic, vibrational soul that is without any current human identity as it relates to gender. It is merely a beloved piece of Source embarking on the human journey. However, with this initial label, even before the soul enters the living, breathing world of duality via birth, labeling and conditioning have already begun. Perhaps there is a pink nursery. Possibly there are some frilly dresses and hair bows awaiting the child. The gendered name is chosen. Thoughts, dreams, and wishes for a girl's future are already forming. Then, the soul is born into the body of a biological female, and the conditioning continues. From the moment of birth, how the soul is treated and the societal expectations of that child are pre-set based merely on a pattern of chromosomes. The soul, newborn into a human body, arrives with no preference of what they will be, what they will wear, how they will dress, or what they will be interested in. Rather, the soul comes for the pure creative experience, and from the very moment they are born and labeled "girl", all of society--every human being they encounter both personally and through media--creates a set of expectations about how that label should express in every aspect of the soul's life. But what if the soul chooses something different from what the chromosomes express? What if the label "girl" and all of the societal expectations and conditioning that come with this label feel counter to that soul's embodied truth for this lifetime? Is the soul wrong for wishing to live their truth in spite of what society is trying to condition them to be? Does that soul deserve a lifetime of scorn, derision, and rejection for merely wishing to live their truth, even if it falls outside of societal expectations? It is the deepest desire of every soul in a human body to live authentically, creatively, freely, and joyfully without trying to fit within the narrow definitions generated by various human individuals, families, religions, cultures, and societies. Even if you do not realize it, this is your deepest desire. Imagine if you could be in the world exactly as who you are without fear of judgment or reprisal. What would it feel like if you never needed to hide anything in your shadows, never felt you had to behave in a certain way or make choices merely because your social structure and the labels you apply say you should? Imagine your life for a moment, free of the expectations, constraints, and limitations of all the labels that others have placed on you and that you have placed on yourself. Close your eyes, center yourself, and feel this. Feel the empowerment and freedom in living an unfettered life where you can be exactly what you choose. Notice that feeling of pure joy, creativity, and expansiveness that comes from this. Allow yourself to truly dwell within this space until you feel its vibration. Then, notice how different that energy feels from how you currently believe you must live under expectations and labels that say you should be this way or that way, wear this thing or that thing, believe one thing or another, and do this or that. This is the desire of every soul, to live an authentic, truthful, and unrestricted life. It is a freedom you can find, but it takes courage to claim it and live it. Due to the nature of the labels and expectations you apply to yourself and other humans, the act of being who you truly are takes great courage under the present circumstances and conditions of the world you have co-created with your fellow humans. But you have the power to change this, and it begins with one intrepid soul being brave enough to set aside labels, step away from conditioning, and embrace the joy of their true, authentic being and live it fully in their lives. For when one soul finds this vibration and this joy, another sees and does the same. And the two souls living their joy affect two more. And then the four souls affect four more. And soon, as this energy grows exponentially, you begin to find enclaves of souls all living authentically. And as these souls begin to live authentically, they lose their need and desire to force other souls into the boxes created by labels and conditioning. Thus, more souls now live lives much freer of conditioning, labels, and expectations and can begin to find their own authentic expression while inspiring others through their example. But those first souls...they must be brave, and they must have the courage to be who they are. They must have the tenacity to do it proudly and openly, knowing that there are others who will try to force them back into the box of conditioning and labels. And while this may sound frightening (thus, the courage), the truth is that if you are that intrepid soul, you can still live joyfully regardless of how others treat you, speak to you, judge you, or talk about you. How? By recognizing that you are of Source, and thus, regardless of what happens to your physical body, you are always safe and deeply loved. It's true you may need to find this peace and support within yourself without the expectation of acceptance from other souls. And it's true that there may be those who try to do you physical harm because they fear your peace, joy, and bravery. But without the souls who are fearlessly living their truth regardless of societal expectations, humanity would never grow and evolve as they seek to re-member themselves as Source. The man you call Jesus was one such soul. He lived his life authentically, and his deep truth sparked a movement "practiced" (often imperfectly) by millions which has lasted thousands of years. Of course, his messages have been shifted and co-opted by people seeking power over centuries and used as a cudgel for conditioning and control, but he was a simple man living a simple truth who inspired many and terrified many others afraid of losing their power. His messages, although altered and often misinterpreted, have lived on for thousands of years after his death. Jesus was a man of courage. He lived his truth even knowing he would be killed for it by those in power. However, he also recognized himself as Source and knew that regardless of what humans did to his body, his true joy was in his Oneness. And he also knew that the only way to shift the energy that created the circumstances resulting in his crucifixion was to live in a world that wasn't ready for him or his message, but to be who he was anyway. Because if his authentic being-ness of living his truth affected even one other soul in a human body, then the world would forever change. You have this power as well. In fact, it is alluded to in your holy book, The Bible, which contains wisdom albeit often greatly misunderstood. In John 14:12, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father." (NLT) This was Jesus's call to live your truth and be who you are. For even after you are gone, those you have affected with your authentic being-ness will feel safer and freer to find their own peace and joy in living their own truth. And in doing so, they will continue to shift consciousness, which allows more embodied souls to begin to re-member though living their own truth. This, then, is your call to courage. We invite you to be who you are, to resist conditioning (both being conditioned and conditioning others), and to help others also find the joy of their own truth through your example. We love you, we are in awe of you, and we know you are up to the task. You are deeply loved. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by nguyen hoang trong from Pixabay Go to the first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our great joy to speak with you Now and to walk with you always. For though you perceive yourself as separate from each other, from us, and from Source, the truth is that you have never left. You exist with us always in the Eternal Moment of Now, for you are, as we are, All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. Our message is brief today. It is a message of Love and a reminder of Who You Are. Therefore, we invite you to close your eyes, place your hands together as if you are praying, bring your fingertips to your brow, and simply feel. Create this silence, and you will feel our vibration. For while we share words with you through these channeled messages, we also activate each message with vibrational information that will reach resonance with your frequency so you can sit within it and and feel our energy as you read our words. This is a foundational exercise we recommend those of you seeking to re-member your essence as Source do frequently. Do this before you read a channeled message from this channel or any other. Do this while you state intention or pray. Do this while you express gratitude. Do this when you absorb our messages. Do this when you struggle, before and after you meditate, and at any time you wish to feel the Love of Source. For this is a signal both to your small I and to the Oneness that you wish to connect with the Truth of Who You Are. Then, sit with it. Sit with it for a second or a minute or an hour or however much "time" you need to feel that connection. For it is our sacred vow to you that when you connect in this way, we will infuse you with the vibration of All That Is. Do this Now, at the end of this message. And do this in any moment you feel alone or frightened or angry or grief-stricken. Do it when you feel joyful or grateful. Do it when you visualize. Do it when you notice you're judging or feeling judged. And as you do, allow the frequency of Universal Love to fill you and re-mind you that We have never left You, and You have never left Us. We are unbreakably connected Now and Now and Now and Now. And so it is. We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message View original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Christelle PRIEUR from Pixabay Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. It is our great honor to share a message with you Now. We love and honor all who have entered into the realm of the small I so that All That Is may know Itself better though your adventures. We have told you before that in your embodied exploits, You have been All Things or will be All Things. We wish to tell you that "have been," "will be," and "now" (small n or embodied now) are concepts of space-time and the small I, and thus when we speak in such a way, we must change the vibration of Our message to match space-time in order to resonate with the way you communicate and receive information In truth, You are All Things Now (big N or Eternal Now), since that which you notice as space-time exists as an Eternal Moment in the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. However, your attention happens to be on the embodied timeline that you perceive as now. From this perspective, you can only place your attention on one embodiment at a time. So, you notice yourself moving in a linear fashion forward and backward through space-time when, in fact, in Source, All happens Now. The now that you (small y) perceive as an embodied soul is much smaller than the Now that You (big Y or Source You) re-member when in the Oneness of Source energy. It (now) contains only a slice of Now when in reality, You exist only Now and are already the sum total of every experience of every lifetime. This is why We say You have "had" thousands of lifetimes, because Now in Source, You have All lifetimes at once, but now in the ego experience, you perceive all lifetimes as occurring in a linear fashion progressing from the past, to this life, to the future. We realize this is difficult to comprehend in your current state of attention, but We felt it worth mentioning to help you understand why sometimes there are asynchronies in how We communicate timelines versus how you perceive them. It also explains why you in the embodied state often experience a "time gap" between a truly creative thought and the outcome of that creation. Because while You create something Now, you may receive it later. And frequently between now and later on your timeline, you dis-create by replacing your original creation with something else before the original creation appears to reach you. However, know that the moment You create, your creation exists in Source, even if your attention on that creation has not yet reached you now. Thus, it is "time" for Us to share with you the concept of Now versus now, and help you to understand how your perception of embodied time is so different from Your perception of Now in the Oneness of Source. Why is this important to understand? Because We wish for you to recognize the power of your intention and attention, which We have discussed previously. When you place your intention and set your attention through the Trinity of thought, word, and deed, in the very moment you do, it has been made manifest in Source. This is the true meaning of God's reassurances found in scripture, "And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer, and while they are still speaking, I will hear." (Isaiah 65:24). Your prayers are always answered Now. The universe hears you and always responds. However, because of your perception of now, it may seem there is a delay. And because your attention wanders and you change your mind, ask for something different, or slip back into your conditioning and doubt your prayer will be answered, that time delay followed by the negating thought replaces your original creation and thus, it appears that the Universe has either not heard or ignored your plea. This is why focused intention (attention+intention) is critical for creation. Without it, you often dis-create your intended outcome before it can reach you and instead, you create something unintended or simply remain stagnant. So, for those things you truly choose to create, we offer once again this simple formula. State your intention. Focus your attention on that intention. And, notice when your focus slips or even counteracts what you desire to create in your thoughts, words, and deeds,. When you notice this, immediately return to your original creative thought. Do this consistently, and you will notice the gap will appear to decrease between when you intentionally set out to create and when that creation arrives in your now. This is how creation works and why it is so critical for those in the small I to not only be aware of the focused intention of thoughts, words, and deeds, but also to pay attention to how your conditioning can subvert your highest intentions without realizing it has done so. When this happens, you often cry out to God and say, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" when in Truth, you have forsaken yourself without realizing you have done so. Even embodied Masters must still contend with the small I (although to a much lesser extent than Masters-in-Training) and thus, sometimes in a brief moment of fear or uncertainty, even a Master forgets that They are experiencing Their planned for and intended creations. That is why We want You and you to know This: We have never forsaken you or You. Before you have asked, Source has heard and answered. You are never forsaken, even in what seem to be your darkest moments. For We in Source walk with you, and We wrap you in the Love of the All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which is the Truth of Who and What You Are. We love you and We Love You. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Read a channeled message from Gaia View original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Pezibear from Pixabay |
AuthorOur Greatest Good is created by Karen Frazier, an author, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, and intuitive energy healer who channels a benevolent group of entities called The George Collective. The Georges, as Karen calls them, have been sharing messages of hope and support for humanity with Karen since she was a child. Archives
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