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BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are overjoyed and honored to share with you Now. We wish to discuss the rituals you engage in to honor God in your practices of religion, something you call worship. Source, which is All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, is that which you call God, and It does not require worship. Source does not need you to supplicate yourself before God. Source does not require you to gather on Friday or Saturday or Sunday or any day to praise Its greatness. Source, which is God, does not command you kneel before It and tremble in awe and fear. It does not need you to sit on hard wooden benches and listen to the ramblings of the small I's interpretation of Its Greatness. Nor does Source require or need you to follow commandments, attend Mass, give confession, be baptized, worship idols, or any of the other ritualistic practices humanity has designed in order to remain pleasing in the Eyes of God. If these practices give you joy and bring you peace, then continue engaging in them. If they are offered out of Love and reverence for the All That Is from the sheer joy of connection, then revel in them. But if they feel like an obligation, if they inspire fear, if they tell you that your way is the only way, if they tell you that you or anyone else is less than God, if they make you feel judged or ask you to judge others, if they tell you that you are born of sin and only the right type of worship can wash it away, or if they suggest in any way that you do not share the full magnificence of God through every cell of your body and every vibration of your being, then we suggest they do not serve your greatest good. And if the practices are something you leave behind in the social hall on Sunday and return Monday to judging your neighbor, ignoring the pleas of those in pain, chasing power and money no matter the cost to others, shutting down your sacred self to go about daily life, oppressing anyone or anything, engaging in angry rhetoric for those who believe differently or are different from you, perpetuating unkindness, participating in media that offers messages of separation, violence, anger, fear, or hatred, focusing on the otherness of those who are not like you, competing and controlling instead of connecting and creating, or casually damaging Gaia because to preserve Her is inconvenient to what you want, then may we gently suggest a different way? We do not require worship, but We do recommend reverence, and not just for a few hours one day a week and five minutes spent praying in which you ask Source to give you This and That. Rather we suggest you engage in reverence Now and for all Moments of Now you experience. What is reverence? It is Presence and gratitude. It is love, connection, and compassion, not just for those that think and believe like you, or look like you, or live near you, or have bodies like you, but love, connection, and compassion for and with All. Reverence is a way of Being in all moments of all time. It is stepping into the Eternal Moment of Now and allowing yourself to engage in its flow. It is recognizing through Presence your connection to the All That Is, which is everything and everyone you can see, touch, smell, taste, feel, hear, and know, as well as everything you cannot experience by these means. Reverence is a life lived in Presence, recognizing the sacredness of Oneness and Source Energy, which is the material that makes up everything you can experience through your senses and knowing, as well as everything that exists beyond your physical senses and embodied experiences. Thus, we suggest you dwell in reverence at All Times, which is No Time since there is only Now. Rather than setting aside an hour or two one day a week for worship to engage in practices of the small I, we encourage you instead to spend Now connected to the All That Is through the act of Presence. It is there where you will find God and come to know that what We say is Truth. You Are as God Is, All That Is, Was or Ever Will Be! We love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Read a channeled message from Gaia Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by MrGajowy3 from Pixabay
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BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings. We send you Love from the All That Is. We are Many, but We Are One, and while you dwell within a plane of illusion where you believe you are but a small I, you are in fact a We. You are a We because the packet of energy you experience as You exists simultaneously in multiple lifetimes you refer to as incarnations and multiple forms that are alternate dimensional versions of self. And the We that you are joins with the many on Gaia to make another We. And the We on Gaia joins the We in other realms to make another We. And that We joins with the many in Source to make up the whole of Oneness. The Oneness consists of many entities of We, bodies of energy engaged in the adventure of the small I who have forgotten they exist concurrently as the We of All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be. These We entities exist throughout the whole of the physical universe and call themselves by group names, such as Humanity (there are others as well). And each of those groups of We entities that go by a name further break themselves down into classifications and labels they use to form the small I. In Humanity, you call these classifications things such as gender and race and nationality and religion. And within those classifications, you create even smaller labels such as Jewish and Christian and Muslim and Buddhist and Hindu. And within these, you apply smaller labels such as Protestant and Mormon and Catholic. And within those classifications you sort yourselves even more into things such as sinners and saints or priests and parishioners. And as you do this, you not only sort yourself into these smaller and smaller classifications you use to make up the self-identity of the small I, but you sort others as well so you can point out, "I am This. You are That." And you use the That to define Other and the This to define Self. And after all of those contortions to label and sort Self and other into smaller and smaller boxes, you then point to Other and say, "Thank God I am not That. That Otherness is not me, and therefore it is not as special or as important as This." Thus, your separation is complete. And because Other is not the same as You, it is unknowable. And because Other is unknowable, you fear it. And because you fear it, you often justify your poor treatment of Other as a way to keep yourself "safe" because who knows what Other might do to You should you allow it any power. And then you wonder why humanity is in the state it is in. And you cry out to God and ask why God does not intervene. You cannot understand how, if Humanity is created by a Loving God, there is such fear and hate in the world you inhabit. We invite you to take a step back. Because God is the All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be, and so are You. Each of You and All of You. God sent out pieces of Itself, which are the Many, to create Duality. And all of those pieces of God began to play with Duality for the joy of creating This and That, Self and Other, Here and There, Up and Down, Before and After, Now and Then, Hot and Cold, and, of course, all of the spaces in between every pole. What fun you have had creating, and how invested you have become in the game! And you've created magnificently. You've brought into creation myriad experiences--every experience--so Source could know Itself better. Well done! And Now, you've come to the next part of the game. Until Now, you've moved your playing pieces away from Source delving deeper and deeper into the many ways you can experience the small I. But the game has reached a turning point. Your game pieces have rounded the corner on the game board. The object of the game now has become to Re-Member; that is, to take all of the aspects you have created that make up the small I, recognize them for the illusion they are, and begin your journey back to Source. Your goal is to do it all while still remaining, at least in part, within the identities you have created for yourself via all of the categories you've generated such as nationality and gender and religion and race. You have begun The Great Re-Membering, which We also call The Great Awakening. And We have activated a tool to help you do this. We have touched on this before in Our conversation. The tool is called I Am That I Am. With so many Thats all around you--so many Others--you have fully immersed yourself in the illusion of being This, which is the small I. However, when you encounter That, which is everything that is Not This, we urge you to experience its energy and recognize that That and This are exactly the same energy. Recognize That shares your energy. And when you encounter That, ignore all of the signals of the small I that suggest That is Not This, and instead feel the energy and affirm to yourself, "I Am That...I Am." Thus, the Great Re-Membering begins. As you merge your energy with That to recognize it is really This, you experience Me becoming We. And as the two-become-one We begin to vibrate together, the energy is stronger, for you have been told, "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20) And now, energized with the activation of Source, the We you have created can move forward and encounter another Me lost in the illusion of the small I or another We who are beginning to Awaken, and you can connect to that Other and affirm, "I Am That...I Am." Do this All the Time with Everyone and Everything, Everywhere. This is how you Re-Member. This is how you Awaken. And this is what you have come to do as you play in the energy of the small I. First, you become Me. Then, you become We. Then you become All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which is Source, which is God. We walk with you on the path to Re-Membrance. We joyfully participate in your creation, wrapping you in the Arms of Source knowing that You have never left Us, and We have never left You, for We Are All One. We Love you. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message View original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by NJ Lechnir from Pixabay Go to first message
We bring you Greetings from Source, with which you are One. For all who inhabit human bodies and identify with egos have mostly forgotten that what We Are, You Are. Therefore, you and all traveling in the realm of the space-time are the same as Us. You Are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. You have simply forgotten this is so. Now, we wish to discuss with you a question Karen asks us frequently, and one that was asked in our conversation with some of you: "How do I stop doing that?" What is That? Whatever it is you wish to not be doing because you would rather be doing This. Please do not fear. We will not pull you into another discussion of This and That, as we have covered the topic at length. Our answer to the question, "How do I stop doing that?" is deceptively simple: Stop doing that. You stop doing that by stopping. But we do understand the nature of the question, and we wish to offer you some more information about it, as it now time for us to help you understand thought. All embodied souls experience the Holy Trinity of Thought, Word, and Deed. Therefore, all creations in your embodied existence solidify through this Trinity. You think it, then you speak it, then it is made manifest through the experience of being, doing, or having. This is the process through which pure energy manifests into either solid form or embodied experience. You are creative beings. You love to create, and you have created so much in your embodied lifetimes! Thought is the beginning of the creative process because thought is what starts the experience of bringing Source energy into embodied existence. And because the ego-identified, who believe they are separate from Source, have a fundamental misunderstanding of thought, it often brings about outcomes that do not please you given who you wish to be. What is this fundamental misunderstanding? You believe your thoughts are absolutes. To you, they are intractable and powerful. You believe you can't help but think what you do. While you believe this within the embodied existence, it is untrue outside of duality. It may be more true to know this: All thoughts are neutral. No thought is inherently good nor bad, dark nor light, kind nor mean, beautiful nor ugly. Thoughts contain neutral energy. Likewise, you are not the source of your thoughts. Let us explain. Thoughts are neutral. They are energy, and you have the opportunity every time you encounter energy to choose to attach to it or not. The primary way you attach to the energy of a thought is by judging it. Every time you place a value on thought energy (that is judge it as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative, and so on), you attach to it. Your thoughts come from multiple sources. Some do, indeed, come from you; that is, they come from the physical part of your human biology that thinks, which is your brain. Therefore, it may appear that these thoughts come from you, and in a physical sense they do. Your brain fires off a response to some stimulus, which results in a thought. What you do not understand is that the thoughts that "come from you" are largely controlled by the conditioning you have received through all of the systems, institutions, and people that have conditioned you from the moment of your birth. Thus, when a thought comes from your brain, such as a fact you learned in school, a judgment about yourself or another, or a belief you have about politics or religion, these are merely conditioned responses. The people, systems, and institutions that have conditioned you are the source of those thoughts. They have planted them in your brain without you knowing it was happening. The thoughts of your brain, which come from your biology, are physical conditioned responses that came from somewhere else. They are not you. You do not own them. The thoughts are creations of the society in which you live and the experiences you have had. These are the thoughts of the small I, and they are illusions. They are, as the whole of everything in the universe is, energy. And, they only solidify and become intractable if you attach to them. You get to choose whether you do this. And you get to choose how much energy you give these thoughts. If you attach to the energy of a thought by judging it, it begins to solidify as you think it over and over again, parsing it, looping it, repeating it, and starting the process of bringing it into creation. When a thought becomes intractable, then you begin to speak it, and you have moved onto the next step of manifesting. And as you begin to speak it more and more, you also start to give it action; that is, your thought and your word become deed, and you have completed the cycle that allows you to manifest the result of that thought. And once a thought is made manifest in solid form, it becomes something you use to continue to condition yourself and others, perpetuating the cycle by which you were also conditioned. Therefore, we recommend that before thinking becomes doing, you stop thinking that by not attaching to the thought. And if you have attached the thought, we suggest that before the speaking becomes doing, you stop speaking that, and once you've stopped speaking that, you can work on no longer thinking that. And once you do that, you have reversed the process. But what if your word becomes deed, and the thought form solidifies in your experience? If it is an outcome you desire and it serves who you choose to be Right Now, then there's nothing you need to do until that experience no longer pleases you. However, if the outcome is something you don't wish to experience, then to stop doing that, you need to stop doing that. Once you have stopped doing that, you need to stop speaking that. And once you have stopped speaking that, then you need to stop thinking it. This is why we say that before thinking becomes doing, stop thinking that. Recognize the thoughts from your brain come from conditioning. Catch yourself as you have those thoughts. And instead of attaching energy to them, acknowledge them for the illusion they are and choose a different thought. And if you have already attached to the thought and are speaking it, then we suggest you notice what you say, and when you notice yourself speaking it (or communicating it through any other form of expression - for in this case we conflate speaking with expressing), then change your expression. Express that which you wish to Be instead of the thought you have attached to whenever you are about to express a thought that does not serve you. Then, when you have removed the energy pattern of that expression, you can move back to the previous step and once again pay attention to your thoughts to remove the pattern of the thought as well. And if you have already attached to the expression and have begun acting it out in deed, and it doesn't serve you, then we suggest you maintain awareness, and every time you notice yourself engaging in the deed that does not support who you wish to be, replace it with a deed that does. Then, when the deed no longer is part of what you do, focus on the expression, and then on the thought. So if you are already doing that, your first step is to stop doing it. Your next step is to stop expressing it. Then, stop thinking it. Finally, detach from the energy you give the thought by sitting in the Eternal Moment of Now and recognizing it as an illusion of the small I. We wish to mention there are other places thoughts can come from as well. For example, you may energetically notice the thoughts of another. You might also notice thoughts from other energies in other dimensions or realms, such as lower vibrational energies. How can you tell if it's the thought of another? The short answer is it does not matter if it is your thought or it belongs to another. If that packet of energy does not serve your highest vision for yourself, then simply recognize it for the illusion it is, refuse to attach to it, and allow the energy to drift away. If someone expresses a thought you do not feel serves your energy, do not judge it, because judgement brings attachment. Instead, recognize their expression or thought as their attachment, bless it as what they choose, and refuse to make it your own. Someone else's thought never has to become your choice or experience unless you want it to. There are also thoughts that come from Source. These are the thoughts you have of the highest version of yourself. They feel like Love, and peace, joy, compassion, and Grace. The thoughts that come from Source aren't really thoughts at all; they are feelings, but your brain often translates them into thoughts. The information from Source comes from everywhere and nowhere because Source is All That Is. If source is everywhere, then you might wonder how Source can also be nowhere, and so we invite you to separate the words to reveal the true meaning of nowhere: Now Here. The thoughts from Source come from the Now Here or, the Here Now, which is the Present. And this is why Presence is such an effective way to start to recognize the fundamental truth or illusion of all thoughts, regardless of their source. By being Present and tuning into your highest self, you can, at any time, recognize the truth or untruth of what you experience as thought. And for those which do not serve what it is you Truly Are, which is a Perfect Expression of Divine Love, you can simply notice them, observe them, and let them drift away without ever energizing them with attachment. For you, Masters-in-Training, have all of the tools you need to have for Ascension. However, you gave yourself opportunities for experiences in duality, which often come in the form of thoughts. But these thoughts are never intractable. They only have the power over you that you allow them. And the less power you give them, the closer you come to re-membering Who You Really Are, which is the Perfect Expression of the All That Is. That is how we see you Now. Your opportunity is to re-member to see yourself that way. We Love You. Go to next message Go to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Pezibear from Pixabay Go to the first message Today's message from The George Collective is a little different. It is a channeled meditation the Georges guided me through and asked me to guide you through. They call it an "activation meditation" and tell me it is infused with their energy to help activate your memory of Source. I have also infused it with Reiki to activate any deep healing you need on your journey. I recommend you go someplace where you won't be disturbed, make yourself comfortable, and allow yourself to be guided on a healing journey. Run time is just under 36 minutes Go to next message
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Greetings. It is our honor to be speaking with you Now. For those of you who have been asking us questions in the quiet of your minds, in the peace of your hearts, as you drift off to sleep, as you meditate, and as you cultivate presence in your day-to-day life, know that we hear you, and we have answered. Have you felt our vibration? Have you noticed our messages? For we want you to know that you can feel us and receive our communication any time you open yourselves to it. All of Source stands ready to answer you from the Eternal Moment of Now. And because we exist outside of space-time, we know who will ask. We know what you will ask. And we have already answered; it's up to you to re-member that this is so. Before you, in your concept of space-time, have asked, we in the eternal moment of Now have answered. For this is the nature of space-time. Because you live in a realm of This and That , Now and Then, and Here and There, you also must perceive This and That as being separated by distance. And because you move in a linear progression from Here to There, you must perceive that line along which you move from Here to There as a progression of Now to Then, which is time. This is the nature of human embodiment. You must travel in experience between one piece of polarity and another, and thus you perceive yourself as progressing through space-time, which is an illusion. If you hold something in your hand and someone asks you what it is, your answer is some variation of "This." For This is what you can perceive, and That is everything that is not This. What is This? This. What is That? Anything that isn't This. Thus, your concept of This changes based on what you focus your attention on, as does your concept of That. And since you can only define This by what is right Here right Now, it changes from moment to moment based on where you place your focus. And That, which is everything that isn't This, is experientially unknowable since your attention isn't on it. Which means This is concrete and real, but That is an illusion. If someone calls you on the phone and ask you where you are, your answer is Here, wherever Here is. And the person asking is There. Where is Here? Wherever you Are. Where is There? Wherever you Are Not. Thus, Here and There seldom stay the same place for long because the moment you move from Here to There, There becomes Here, and Here becomes There. There is no There there, because There shifts based on Here. So when someone asks, the only answer to where are you is I Am Here. There is an illusion. If someone asks what time it is, your answer is some variation of Now (usually stated as an arbitrary number on a clock that humanity has agreed on based upon the progression and rotation of Gaia in space). However, even as soon as you have answered with what your Now is, it is no longer the Now that it was when you were asked. The question was asked Then, but you can only answer Now. And that Now has already passed before you can communicate it, thus your answer to what time is it Now is actually an expression of Then. If it is 3:33 and 33 seconds when you look, by the time you have said the entire phrase, it might be 3:33 and 34 seconds or 3:33 and 35 seconds. Thus you are expressing a statement of Then rather than Now when you tell someone the time, and you are always chasing an accurate answer, which cannot be accurate because by the time you answer, the Now you are describing is already Then. Thus, the only true, genuine answer to the question of time is that it is Now. Because Now is all there is, and Then is an illusion. We have already, of course, discussed Tomorrow and Yesterday; or Past and Future. All you know of Yesterday is the stories you've told yourself about it. The experience has already passed. You are Here Now, and experientially you can know that because it is concrete. You can tune into every sense and observe it. Try it Now...slip out of your mind and into your senses and notice that you are, indeed, Here. Now. You can see it, smell it, touch it, hear it, taste it, feel it, and know it through not only your five senses, but through your True Self as well. Can you be so sure about Yesterday? Can you see, touch, taste, smell, hear, or know it, or can you only tell yourself a story about it which may or may not be true? And can you be so sure about Tomorrow? Can you have a sensory or knowing experience of it when, indeed, you have no idea what will unfold between Now and Then, whether you will be Here or There, and whether you will encounter This or That? And can you be so sure about There? Even if you were There yesterday (when it was Here and not really There because that is where you were), everything could have changed between Now and Then if your story about being There Then is even true. So, There could be entirely different. The only way to know is to make There Here by returning to There so it becomes Here. Experientially, there is no Between for Now and Then since Between becomes Now when you are on your way to Then. And there is no Between for This or That because as soon as you encounter That, it becomes This. And there is no Between for Here and There, for Between becomes Here when you are on your way to There, and There becomes Here when you arrive. You will never reach Then. You will never encounter or have That. You will never be There. Why then, do you spend so much of your time thinking about Then (which you will never reach because once you get to Then it becomes Now), hoping to have or find That (which you will never have since it is only That which is not This), and hoping to go There (which you will never do because once you are There you are Here). That, Then, and There are all extrapolations based on stories you tell or ideas you project. Thus, they are illusions. This, Here, Now you can know experientially. Thus, they are real. We go on and on, speaking in puzzles that aren't really riddles at all if you stop to contemplate them. The experience of Duality tricks you into believing in There, That, and Then, which can only ever be projections of your mind because the only thing you can truly know when you are in a human body is what is This Here Now. This is how it is in Source too. There is only Here. There is only This. There is only Now. And This Here Now is All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which we have told you before is Love. To enter duality, you take parts of your energy of the All That Is and you package it together and surround it with the illusion of the small I so you can, at least for a time, believe in the experience of Here and There, This and That, Now and Then. But all of these are mere projections of the illusion of the small I that allows the Master-in-Training to create an experience so that all of Source can know itself experientially through the illusion of duality. And this continues until, as you slowly begin to expand outside of the boundaries of ego-identification, you start to remember that there is only Here, there is only This, and there is only Now. Thus we urge you, as much as you can within the experience of the small I, to place your attention on these three things: Here, This, Now, because these are All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be, which is Love. And so, although you are having an experience that suggests you exist within a container of a small I, in truth you have never left Home. You have merely forgotten your profound connection to Source. If you want to remember it, then be This, Here, Now. This is always what you need to re-member when you ask us questions. To know our answers, which always provide, be This, Here, Now. We love you. Go to next message Sign up for the free live The George Collective Q&A Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Go to first message
Hello! Today's The George Collective message will be a little different in that it's coming in the form of a Q&A. I try as much as possible to keep my own voice out of The Georges messages because this isn't about me except in the fact that I am amplifying and translating their vibration. So, I feel when I put myself in one of their messages, it's like a microphone started inserting its own commentary during a TED Talk. But in this case, The Georges have suggested I ask them these questions in writing so others can see their answers. Lately, there has been a lot going on in my life, much of it involving death. In less than a week's time, two people in my life died, and just a few weeks later, someone I care about attempted suicide. And then there's all of the death around the world that seems so senseless...the spike of COVID deaths in India to more than 4,000 per day, millions of excess mortalities year over year between 2019 and 2020 (and beyond), hundreds of people dying on the Gaza strip, as well as people dying from hunger, senseless acts of violence, oppression, depression, and disease. Naturally, I have some questions. A few weeks ago, shortly after my brother-in-law and my uncle died, I was awakened at 3:33 AM by a soft, gentle, and peaceful voice that spoke aloud in my bedroom. It said, "There is no death." The voice was warm. It was loving. It was comforting. It was different from the voice I hear in my head when I channel The Georges; that voice sounds a lot like me, only smarter and wiser. In that moment, I was overcome with peace. I put my hands on my chest and felt my heart beneath my palms, beating not just with my love, but with the love of those who no longer live in their bodies. I immediately had a knowing that their energy, their love, and their spirit rises on my every breath and expands with my every heartbeat. That was a few weeks ago, and I have felt peace knowing that what I perceived as losses only felt like a loss because I had forgotten that bodies die, but love never does. I still grieve the loss of physical presence in my life because you can know with every fiber of your being that someone is with you always but still miss the feelings of their arms wrapped around you. Observing what seems like so many senseless deaths and so many living people in such pain and fear, I still can't help but have questions. And so I have been asking them in the silence of my heart. I've asked them in my meditations and in my dreams. I've asked them as I drift off to sleep, as I wake in the morning, and as I go about my day. Because while I am--as you are--deeply connected to Source, I don't always remember that when I get lost in the drama of being human. And so I continue to ask questions because I long to understand. The Georges have answered me and in those answers, I have found peace. However, many (perhaps most) people find death an uncomfortable topic. So until now, I've kept those questions and answers to myself. The Georges, however, tell me that as questions about death are the main and most pressing questions of all who are living, not just me, I should share our conversation with you in real time. This, then, is a conversation with The George Collective about death unfolding before your eyes. BEGIN CHANNELED Q&A Greetings! We are overjoyed at the opportunity to be here with you today. As always, we wish to remind you of our deep and abiding love for each of you. We unconditionally love each soul in a body as each of you is Us and We are each of you. While it is your experience that you are separated and distinct not just from each other, but from All That Is, we wish to remind you that such experience is merely illusion. It is an experience you have offered as a gift to the All That Is so that All That Is, Was, and Ever Will be can know Itself better through embodied experience in Duality. Each of you that perceives yourself as a soul in a body has entered this state willingly with the agreement that, for a while, you will enter into the adventure of forgetting Who You Are, which is All That Is. We revel in your embodied adventure, admire your intrepid spirit, and rejoice as you begin to re-member yourself outside of the This and That. And, when you ultimately return Home, that is re-member with the All That Is, the entire universe shines with Joy at a piece of the All That Is returning Home. We know we have reminded you of this before, but it fits within our greater discussion of death, of which we understand you have many questions. Thus, we have invited Karen to ask us her questions in this way so we we can answer them for you. I knew this was coming. But now I feel kind of put on the spot, as if I can't come up with any of the questions I've asked you so many times in the past few weeks. So I guess I'll just start with perhaps the most basic one; it's the question that set me on my path to You as I sought answers. What happens when we die? It's true. This is the question Source receives more than any. It is a question you are "born" with, and it remains in the back of your minds throughout your life; it is never far from your thoughts. For a person in a body, death is the Great Unknown. And because it is unknown, it drives your fears, which often drive your choices. What happens when you die? Quite simply, in that moment, should you choose to do so, you re-member. That is, you shed any of the filters of the small I, which is ego identification, and you re-member who you are. And the moment you do, you are overcome with the joy of re-membrance as you return to a Love and a Light greater than you can conceive while you exist in a human body. Death isn't the end. It is merely a re-membering and a return. And in that moment of transition when you move from ego-identified and embodied to your true identity of All That Is, you are bursting with the joy at the Grace of a loved one returning Home. Oh my gosh! I remember those words. I wrote them in a poem when I watched someone welcome death (I'll post the poem at the end of this channeling so you don't have to read it if you don't want to). You have mentioned that you have been channeling us for years. Often your words are our words. We have been in partnership for many lifetimes. Okay. Sorry about that. I got excited at the familiarity of the phrase. As you were answering and before the microphone interrupted the TED Talk, I was wondering if we all return Home and re-member when we die, then what of ghosts and earthbound spirits? What of spirits who wander in lower vibratory realms? If their bodies have died, then why aren't they immediately whooshed Home? Why do their spirits wander? In your question you have already supplied part of the answer when you said "if their bodies have died." Their bodies have ceased to function, but the individual they identified with--which is the small I or the ego--has not yet died. For whatever reason, that spirit has remained ego-identified. They are unwilling to let go of the identity, and thus while they lack a body, they still remain in the Realm of This and That in order to have more experiences. When the body has died and the ego and identity remain with the spirit., it is merely another experience. For that segment of Source Energy, being a "ghost" serves some kind of a purpose or is part of what that spirit needs to do in order to re-member. However, even "ghosts" and "wandering spirits," when they have eked all of the experiences they desire out of being a "ghost," will return Home. So being a "ghost" is merely another available experience that has value for some pieces of the All That Is. When they are ready, their return Home will be just as joyful and filled with Grace as any other piece of the All That Is. Additionally, we would like you to know that it is also possible to "die" while still in a body. However, instead of calling this "death" and mourning it, you call it "Awakening", "Mastery," or "Enlightenment" and celebrate it! For spiritual seekers (and ultimately for all humans), this is what you aim for! Death is simply detachment from ego-identification and re-membering with Source energy, regardless of whether you leave your body to do it or decide to remain in a body for a while to see what that feels like. Your question about spirits in lower vibratory realms has a similar answer. Some pieces of Source need to spend time experiencing themselves as "evil" or "darkness" or "chaos" so that they can then make the choice to no longer be those things and thus, re-member with Source as well. These parts of Source energy are different from embodied humans, however, in that it's highly unlikely they have been in human bodies. Rather, they've chosen to enter duality in other forms, and their experience is no less valuable than the process of becoming human; it's just a different path. These entities are no more inherently evil than any energy in the All That Is, they have simply chosen a different experience of Duality. Their essence is Love, just as yours is. They are made of the same stardust as you. They simply adopt a lower vibrational form. These entities co-exist within the same universe of Duality that humans do, and occasionally there is interaction between the two. However, because for the most part they have never been humans, and humans have never been these entities, there is a fundamental lack of understanding which generates fear. The lower vibrational energy from these entities feels deeply uncomfortable to humans because the energetic mismatch is so profound. The response is often fear. It is important to understand, however, that while these entities feel heavy, dense, dark, and frightening to you, they are also a part of Source energy and as such, are no less loved and welcomed Home when they re-member than any human is. However, it's also important to understand that some humans are attracted to these energies, and thus they invite them into their embodied lives. And when they do, their vibration begins to align with the density of these other pieces of Source energy, which can lead to what other embodied humans might perceive as acts of evil or even possession. We understand that from your perspective, this feels frightening. However, we also urge you to understand that you have a choice as to whether you meld your energy with these entities and or even allow them into your life. If you do briefly encounter someone or something with this dense energy, we suggest you recognize it as a piece of Source energy, send it loving light, and move on your way without giving it anymore attention, for the more attention you give it, the more likely you are to keep attracting it. Therefore, recognize it exists, send it Light, and step away with Love. That is all the engagement you need, and just that small amount of Light may be the very thing this entity needs to begin to re-member and start on its journey Home. I'm not gonna lie - I wasn't expecting your answer to go there because I've always been a "demon denier." I've never wanted to place my attention on those entities because I don't want to step into that vibration, even for a moment. However, as you were discussing these lower vibrational energies, I couldn't help but think about infrasound, and how that vibrational energy can cause a host of fear-based icky reactions in humans. Is interacting with these entities like that? It is an apt comparison. Vibrational mismatch can feel uncomfortable when you encounter a being of lower vibration or euphoric when you are the lower vibration being encountering one of higher vibration. Thus, your vibration generates a sense of euphoria that may attract these entities, which is why it's up to you to minimize the attention you give them. Send Love. Send Light. Step away. Any other engagement could result in the lowering of your vibration, which you have worked for so many lifetimes to raise to where it is now. This is probably why you are a "demon denier." You've worked for thousands of lifetimes to reach your current vibration, and you have enough re-membrance of who you are to recognize you don't want to go back to a lower vibration. It's perfectly acceptable to do so, and many souls do--in fact, you have before. But often it takes many more lifetimes to get back to where you started when you decided to engage, and for many souls who have done that once or twice, they recognize it as a "trap" when they encounter it again. These souls choose not to engage and instead continue on the path forward. Wow. So many questions from that statement. I don't wander too far afield or make this too much about me, but curiosity compels. Thousands? And some version of me engaged with evil? Actually more than thousands; Source energy has endless opportunities to re-enter experience, not just in all four Waves of Humanity, but in other realms as well. So yes. You've been doing this for what those of you existing in space time might call "a while." And yes. Not "some version" of you engaged with evil. You. Because you are Source, and Source encompasses All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be. So you have, indeed, engaged with evil. But we do understand your question to mean the packet of Source energy that currently presents as Karen and has also entered into other bodies and identified with other egos throughout lifetimes. And the answer is still yes. Every soul packet of energy has the sum total of every experience over lifetimes. You have, in other lives, chosen to identify as evil. That's what this is all about. Experience! Why are we so frightened of death? First we want to tell you that all of the mythos surrounding death is mostly incorrect. When humanity doesn't understand something, you create stories about it. These stories are often fear-based because embodied humans fear what lurks in the shadows, and death is the ultimate shadow. Likewise, many institutions and individuals recognize this fear of the unknown and use it to their advantage. They use it to condition and control you so you will do what they want. Therefore, one of the most effective ways of removing the fear of anything, including death, is to stop believing what others tell you and spend time shining your own light on that which you fear. We guarantee that when you set aside cultural mythology, social conditioning, and controlling narratives coming from others and examine death in the light of Truth and Love, you will come to be, if not unafraid, less afraid of dying. What do we need to understand when a loved one dies? We suggest you try to understand the Love and joy that comes with a decision to re-member. Because that is what death is; it is detachment from the small I so you can return to where you came from, which is the All That Is, Was, and Ever Will Be. Death is a return to Love, and it is a choice that is lovingly made so that a soul can rejoin with Source, re-member that their true nature is Love, and begin planning for another set of experiences. Therefore, the soul that dies experiences no pain or discomfort; they experience only joy, compassion, peace, and Love. As soon as they return Home, they are able to view the life they just lived as the adventure it was. We can offer a comparison. Some embodied humans like horror movies. Others like roller coasters. They consider these things "fun" and "entertaining" even though part of what is fun about them is surviving the fear the experience invoked and then, when it's over, the euphoria at being safe. What an adventure! And thus, pieces of Source energy that embody as humans set out on an adventure. And for as long as they remain identified with the small I, the adventure continues until they decide it is time to re-member. You just used the word "decide." Do we decide to die? You do, but you may not realize you have made that decision. In your current embodiment, we remind you of when your grandmother was very ill and ready to return to Source. She made the decision to stop eating or drinking knowing it meant she would not remain in her body for much longer. And, when she left her body, she joyfully re-membered with Source. That is an example of someone consciously choosing to re-member. In other cases, it may not be so clear cut. They may, on a soul level, realize they have eked out all of the experience they can from this ego and body, and thus their soul decides it is time to re-member and return Home. Some also come with a plan to aid another's experience, and they therefore come to die "early" or "tragically" on order to help another beloved soul have the experience of profound grief. Souls have as many reasons for choosing to die as there are souls, and each one's journey is individual. But all are complicit in their own deaths in that they have, either consciously or at a soul level, determined that they no longer need to identify with the small I they currently inhabit. Are you suggesting that dying young or tragically is no more horrendous than dying of old age and natural causes? It depends on who you ask. To the re-membered soul, there is no catastrophe, there is only joy and re-membrance with Source. This is true regardless of age, experience, or cause of death. All are joyful events of rebirth into the unending beauty of Source energy. Think of it this way: you like to read, and throughout your life you've read a lot of fiction. You read long novels and short stories; tragedies, myths, romances, fantasies, thrillers, fairy tales, hilarious romps, joyful poems, and virtually every literary experience you can have under the sun. Some take you a long time to read while others take a few minutes. You connect deeply to some stories, remain detached from others, enjoy many, and are annoyed by a few. But for all, you agree when you pick up a book to immerse yourself in the experience of the story you are reading. You agree to set aside your own "reality" and enter the world of the story. And when it ends, while you may feel sad if it was a tale you were particularly attached to, you put the book down and go on with your "reality." You seldom think a well-crafted story ended prematurely. You celebrate the joy the story brought you and move on with your life. It may seem trite, but this is a good allegory for life and death. No life ends too soon. No life ends too tragically. Like the books you read, the lives have a beginning, middle, and end, and they progress through space-time on an adventure that leaves you having had, at least in your mind, experiences you wouldn't have had if you hadn't picked up the book. And thus it is as a soul. You eagerly pick up a book you call a life. You agree to set aside what you know in order to dive in and have the full experience. And when the book is done, regardless of how long it took or what you experienced while you read it, as soon as the story is over you re-member your "real life" which in this case, is yourself as a perfect expression of All That Is, which is Love. However, to the embodied soul experiencing the death of a loved one, there is often grief over the loss of that person's physical presence. And we recognize that grief is a beautiful but painful part of being identified with the small I. We urge you to allow yourself to feel the grief and process it fully, as this is also part of the experience you came to have. We also wish to remind you this: that soul is never lost to you. You remain connected every moment of every day with every breath and every heartbeat. Your "lost soul" is not just near you, but within you. There is no separation between you and them. None. And when your story is over this time around and you re-member, whether it involves your own physical death or your Awakening, you will recognize this as truth. All that you thought you had "lost" has been there all along. And what of suicide? Regardless of the manner of death, our answer remains the same. Sometimes when you're reading a book, you find the experience so unpleasant that you stop reading it before the story ends. And sometimes, an embodied human experiences so much pain and disconnection in their experience of the small I, that they choose to detach from that ego-identification before their story is over. An embodied soul who is truly done will end their existence as that embodied soul, and there is nothing any other ego-identified being can do to stop them. Nor is it the fault or responsibility of anyone in a body that this soul arrived in such a place of pain as to end its experience. We know this is hard to understand when you are in the ego experience. It likely feels dispassionate, particularly given your current experience with the attempted suicide of a loved one. We acknowledge your pain and confusion about this, and we wrap all of you in Love, peace, and compassion as you continue to process your feelings. Your loved one has arrived in a place of great pain with their current ego-identification. And in that pain, your loved one tried to bring their life to an end. However, their continued presence in their body suggests that their soul is not yet ready to leave, so although the ego was ready to go, the soul was not in agreement. When a disconnection such as this occurs between the small I and the soul, it is the choices of the soul that always prevail. There is more in this incarnation for your loved one to experience before they rejoin with Source energy. This does not mean that the path will be easy or suddenly miraculously better, because the truth is that your loved one remains in great pain. Due to how recently this occurred in linear time, part of everyone's processing including the one who attempted to die includes projecting into the future, which is generating even more pain and more fear as what lies ahead is the great unknown. And this projection into pain and fear blocks the Love, forgiveness, and compassion necessary for healing. As much as you can, we urge you all to remain in Presence, where you can deal with each energy as it arises. Remain in Love. Avoid recrimination or blame, for there is no blame here. As much as you can, avoid the belief "this shouldn't have happened." This is a harmful belief that keeps everyone trapped in fear and pain, and it is judgmental and magical thinking. You can think it shouldn't have happened all you want, but the truth is that in your current reality, it did. And if it did happen, then there is no wishing or judging it away. So you must move forward. Do so with Love, kindness, compassion, and understanding. Try to remain in Love and not fear. Call on guidance when you need it. And moment to moment, each person must make the choices that are the best for self; not for another. For you have no way of knowing what is "best" for anyone but yourself. Your well-meaning choices on behalf of another may not be what is best for them; only they and their soul know what that might be. Moment to moment, tune into you and make the highest choice that supports the greatest vision you can have for yourself as it relates to this situation. Trust others to do the same. This is the way forward. And finally, we wish to remind you that which we said to you one morning as you woke at 3:33 AM and heard our voice in your room. There is no death. There is only love. We love you. We support you. We walk beside you. In your pain, we wrap you in the Love of All That Is. In Source, there is only Love, Light, and Oneness. For all of you who fear death and mourn the loss of loved ones, know that while your small I may perceive loss, your True Self, which is Source energy, remains One with All That Is, Was, or Ever Will Be. You are safe, and you are loved. END CHANNELED Q&A From Karen: This is the poem I mentioned in the questions. I wrote it when someone I cared about was dying and doing so eagerly, much to the dismay of many who loved him. Left Behind Left behind we watch As you drift away Unable to comprehend How you can smile At a time like this Your eyes are on the heavens Ours are on the horizon As we look forward and see Emptiness in the space You now occupy Your consciousness expands outward Into the universe Our consciousness shifts inward To probe a wound Raw with your leaving We wonder at your peace In the presence of our pain Unable to understand Your smile of compassion At our turmoil Lost in our physical selves We never take the time To experience the process Of another Becoming Spirit And when we do We wrap ourselves in grief Instead of bursting with the Joy At the Grace of a loved One Returning Home Go to next message Sign up for the free live online George Collective Q&A Link to original post on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is an honor to be speaking with you Now. We know we have shared much information with you recently, and we are honored you have paid such attention to our words. We wish to discuss with you today the limitation of language. We are communicating with you through words in the language of English. While to you words may feel specific, it is important for you to understand that they are imprecise. Words are the language of ego, and since you in embodiment are all in the ego experience, they are currently our best way to communicate with you. Therefore, it is necessary for you to recognize that while our words can convey some information to you, the information is incomplete. This is partially because one in embodiment existing within the small I must agree to certain experiences as they navigate the illusion of space-time, and because space-time exists within duality and we exist outside of it, at times there is a certain disconnect between what you want to know and what we can convey. When this arises, we do the best we can using words and language, but please recognize that much more exists beyond what we are able to communicate to you using mere words. We can give you an example, since many of you wonder this. You ask why we are called The George Collective or simply The Georges, and our channel has explained that it is a name she gave us when she was a child. This is true, but it is a simple explanation for something complex using language, which is imprecise. We are happy to be called The George Collective because we recognize that in the duality of this and that, names are important identifiers for those in the embodied experience. However, even something as simple as our name--or your name in the All That Is--isn't something that can be fully communicated with words. Our language outside of duality is vibration; thus, our true name is a vibration, as is yours. And we are called a Collective because, as we have indicated, We Are Many but We Are One. This is, again, a concept that does not exist in duality and thus is not something that is easy to understand in the realm of space-time where you currently place your attention. So, our channel "named" us The George Collective based on the vibration she senses from us and from her own sense of whimsy. However, she experiences us as a vibration, and our "words" are transmitted to her vibrationally, as well. She recognizes us as a feeling that she has come to interpret as our energy signature. When we reach out to her in her present to communicate, she recognizes our signature, stops what she is doing, and begins to write. While she is conscious and aware during the writing since we need her to "translate" the vibrations we send, she is only vaguely aware when she begins of where the vibration will take her or of what words will end up in the final message. Instead, she receives our signal, she sits down to write, and then she writes words that resonate with the vibration we send her without really knowing how the vibration she feels becomes the words on a page. It's a little like taking interdimensional dictation and translating it. As she receives the vibration, her soul self provides an energetic match to her embodied self that her unconscious mind quickly turns into a word, phrase, emotion, or concept. To her, this seems to occur in a linear fashion, one word or thought following another, but in reality our message comes to her in No Time; it is there in full, but her "machine" can only translate in a linear progression. This is why our words so often surprise her as she writes them even though we have sent her the message in a single vibrational package. We can help you understand by illustrating with an exercise. Close your eyes and think of someone you love. There is a feeling you have associated with that person. Now, think of someone else you love. Notice there is a different feeling there. Now, think of someone you aren't so fond of. Notice there's a different feeling from either of the first two. These are each embodied person's vibrations, and whether you recognize it or not, you perceive everyone's energy signature a little differently from anyone else, because every embodied soul has its own unique vibrational imprint. You can do the same with words. Try a word packed with emotion for you, such as "anger." Close your eyes and zero in on that vibration. Now, think the word "forgiveness" and do the same. Each word will likely feel significantly different to you when you truly pay attention. It is in this way that we communicate; not just with our channel, but with each and every embodied soul on Gaia. However, just as some of you are better at certain things like "playing piano" or "baking cookies" or "doing karate" or "swimming" than others might be, so are some of you better at receiving and translating vibration. But even the least best (for there is no worst) of you at this can, with practice, develop some level of competence at translating interdimensional language. Many of you do this without even realizing it every time you act on a gut feeling or do something intuitively. You do these things without thinking about it; you make an instantaneous selection from a choice of this or that and go about your day none the wiser that you may have made that choice based on guidance you received that was shared in the interdimensional language of vibration. The way to practice working with interdimensional language is to be in Presence as much as you can, which means quieting the voice of the small I and relegating it to the background. You can accomplish this through meditation or other Presence activities. Which activities will do this for you? Seek those that allow you to slip into the Flow of Being while quieting the inner dialogues of ego. This will be different things for different people. It may be art, writing, jogging, sitting in nature, doing crafts, making music, dancing, yoga, chanting, listening to music, or any of the other interests and activities that bring you to a place of joy, presence, and peace. For example, many painters receive our vibrational language and translate it into color, texture, light, and movement on a canvas. This is why art has such a capacity to move the human soul. Dancers may translate our vibration into movement and expression. Chefs might translate it into flavor, aroma, and texture. All of these are ways to experience and channel our communication in order to bring all of humanity embodied on Gaia to a higher vibrational state. We have told you before through this channel that all of you are capable of channeling Us or those Like Us who are also in the All That Is. And, no matter what form that channeling takes or what name you give it, you are giving voice to Source energy, which shifts, flows, forms, and reforms into the various vibrations you experience as Angels, Guides, Entities, Ascended Masters, and even God. Therefore we tell you this, Masters-in-Training. While you may read our words and they help you understand, do not give in to the idea that words are the only way we communicate with you, or that the words convey the whole of our message. For our message is vibration and our vibration is Love. Our goal through all forms of communication, including this channel, is to spark the vibration within the embodied soul that reminds you to step outside of the small I and, even for brief moments, re-member yourselves as part of the vibrational whole of the All That Is, which is Love. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Sign up for the free live George Q&A via Zoom Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Go to first message
BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! As always, we are overjoyed to communicate with you. Our topic Now is one that we recognize will be difficult for many of you, but it is necessary to cover and a condition that is endemic to the embodied experience: shame. Please know as we share this with you, we wrap you in the Love and Light of Source. For we see you as you Are, and not as you see yourselves. Vibrationally, shame is the heaviest energy weighing down Masters-in-Training. It is dense, heavy, sticky, and black like energetic tar. It moves sluggishly and sticks to everything it touches, and its presence, depending on how much you carry with you, either slows you down significantly or completely keeps you from moving forward spiritually. In fact, shame is largely responsible for keeping embodied souls in a lower vibration because it feels so uncomfortable to confront, that instead of allowing yourself to feel its energy and move through it, you bury it in the deepest parts of yourself where it is extremely difficult to access, experience, release, and allow the Light to flow into the places where it once occupied. As with everything else that is not pure Light and pure Love, shame is an illusion. It is a heavy and painful illusion, but it is an illusion nonetheless. And like every illusion of embodiment caused by the small I of ego + conditioning, shame is something you must release in order to Ascend. Where shame exists within you, it displaces Light, which is why it weighs you down vibrationally. You accumulate this shame throughout lifetimes, and it arises from incorrect and unloving beliefs about yourself because you have forgotten Who You Are. Your shame and your shadows are often one and the same. And it is human nature that you fear your shadows largely because you have allowed your shame to puddle there, and the thought of wading through those sticky pools of vibrational tar feels frightening. Yet shame is also the thing lurking in your shadows that causes so much of your unconscious behavior. Your ego uses shame to control you and others. And in the same way, others have used shame to control you throughout not just this lifetime, but many. Thus, you carry with you the residue of shame from not just this lifetime, but from many. We encourage you to uncover your shame and expose it to the Light of Love, for once you release the shame, you free up space so Light can enter. When you do this, you immediately feel Lighter, freer, more Loving, and more connected to the All. Processing shame releases some of the hold the small I has over you so you can begin to re-member Who You Really Are. There are many safe ways to uncover and release your shame, but first you must know it is there. Therefore, you first must pay attention and be Present, noticing when you react to something, when you seek to control another, when you notice another seeking to control you, when you engage in negative dialog about yourself or others, when you step into judgment and criticism about self and others, when you think self-defeating thoughts, when you think in terms of "should" or "should not", or when you engage in any of myriad shame-driven behaviors. Attention is essential here, and when you notice that feeling, which may start as a minor discomfort that quickly grows into darkness and pain, then you must immediately move into a place where you are safe and protected so you can process this feeling instead of burying it again. How you create that safe space is up to you; for many, it may need to be in some form of talk therapy with a qualified helper. For others, it may be with a trusted and beloved friend. Others may need to sit with a spiritual advisor. Others may process it themselves in meditation, prayer, writing, art, nature, or other presence activities. Choose a way that feels safe to you to sit with the shame and allow yourself to process it fully. How do you process it? By Being with it. Recognize it. Acknowledge it. Don't run from it. Sit with it in presence. Notice the shame as a physical sensation. Notice where it sits in your body. Sit with the sensation, noticing it with curiosity and without judgment. As thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment and release them, returning to presence as soon as you are able. As emotions arise, sit with them, noticing them with curiosity and without judgment. As physical sensations arise, sit with them, noticing them with curiosity and without judgment. If you need more than just sitting, then treat yourself as you would a beloved child or friend. What would you say to them? How would you treat them? Would you judge them as harshly as you judge yourself, or would you recognize that in the moment for which they felt so much shame, they did the best they could given the skills, tools, information, and state of spiritual development they currently held? Do this for as long as it takes - or for as long as you are able - and you will notice that as you sit with the sensations, they begin to lessen in intensity. As you recognize them for the illusion they are, they will begin to dissolve. Continue to sit with all sensation that arises in this way, noticing it without attaching to it, and allowing it to flow through you as it will. Know that as you do this, We in the All That Is are surrounding you with Love and working with you to process and dissolve the shame. If it helps, visualize the shame as black smoke, rising up and out of you and either flowing into the ground underneath you or into the atmosphere around you where it is immediately surrounded by Light and released. Do this for as long as it takes until not even a wisp of smoke flows from you anymore. And when you get to this place and feel lighter and calmer, this is when the Light flows in to fill the spaces the shame once occupied. This will happen naturally, for the universe has been waiting for you to acknowledge and release this energy so Light and Love can enter in its place. However, if it helps, you can visualize Source Light flowing into you on your breath, through your skin, and from above, below, and all around. See the Light flowing with every breath and every heartbeat into all of the spaces the density of the shame once occupied. And sit with that, noticing your lighter self. We wish we could tell you this would be something you only need to do once, but uncovering and releasing shame is often a gradual process because you have stored so much and buried it so deeply. It is something every Master-in-Training must do, but you possess a powerful tool. Love is the solvent for shame. It dissolves, cleans, purifies, and replaces what was sticky, dense, and slow moving with the Lightness of Source Love, which is your true nature. We know you fear experiencing your shame. It is why you bury it so deeply and why it sticks so powerfully. We have deep compassion for your discomfort, and we are here to remind you shame is an illusion, albeit a powerful and painful one. Once you recognize it, acknowledge it, sit with it, and release it, however, your Light Body will fill in the spaces once occupied by your Pain Body. Then, you will move ahead in your embodied state with your small I in less control and your True Self, which is Presence, drawing you ever closer to Awareness, Ascension, and Mastery. As always, we Love and support you in this endeavor. We are in awe of the work you do as Masters-in-Training. The All That Is not only supports you, but carries you and fills you with Light and Love as you do this work. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Sign up for the free live George Q&A via Zoom Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Radfotosonn from Pixabay |
AuthorOur Greatest Good is created by Karen Frazier, an author, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, and intuitive energy healer who channels a benevolent group of entities called The George Collective. The Georges, as Karen calls them, have been sharing messages of hope and support for humanity with Karen since she was a child. Archives
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