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BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! It is an honor to be speaking with you Now. We know we have shared much information with you recently, and we are honored you have paid such attention to our words. We wish to discuss with you today the limitation of language. We are communicating with you through words in the language of English. While to you words may feel specific, it is important for you to understand that they are imprecise. Words are the language of ego, and since you in embodiment are all in the ego experience, they are currently our best way to communicate with you. Therefore, it is necessary for you to recognize that while our words can convey some information to you, the information is incomplete. This is partially because one in embodiment existing within the small I must agree to certain experiences as they navigate the illusion of space-time, and because space-time exists within duality and we exist outside of it, at times there is a certain disconnect between what you want to know and what we can convey. When this arises, we do the best we can using words and language, but please recognize that much more exists beyond what we are able to communicate to you using mere words. We can give you an example, since many of you wonder this. You ask why we are called The George Collective or simply The Georges, and our channel has explained that it is a name she gave us when she was a child. This is true, but it is a simple explanation for something complex using language, which is imprecise. We are happy to be called The George Collective because we recognize that in the duality of this and that, names are important identifiers for those in the embodied experience. However, even something as simple as our name--or your name in the All That Is--isn't something that can be fully communicated with words. Our language outside of duality is vibration; thus, our true name is a vibration, as is yours. And we are called a Collective because, as we have indicated, We Are Many but We Are One. This is, again, a concept that does not exist in duality and thus is not something that is easy to understand in the realm of space-time where you currently place your attention. So, our channel "named" us The George Collective based on the vibration she senses from us and from her own sense of whimsy. However, she experiences us as a vibration, and our "words" are transmitted to her vibrationally, as well. She recognizes us as a feeling that she has come to interpret as our energy signature. When we reach out to her in her present to communicate, she recognizes our signature, stops what she is doing, and begins to write. While she is conscious and aware during the writing since we need her to "translate" the vibrations we send, she is only vaguely aware when she begins of where the vibration will take her or of what words will end up in the final message. Instead, she receives our signal, she sits down to write, and then she writes words that resonate with the vibration we send her without really knowing how the vibration she feels becomes the words on a page. It's a little like taking interdimensional dictation and translating it. As she receives the vibration, her soul self provides an energetic match to her embodied self that her unconscious mind quickly turns into a word, phrase, emotion, or concept. To her, this seems to occur in a linear fashion, one word or thought following another, but in reality our message comes to her in No Time; it is there in full, but her "machine" can only translate in a linear progression. This is why our words so often surprise her as she writes them even though we have sent her the message in a single vibrational package. We can help you understand by illustrating with an exercise. Close your eyes and think of someone you love. There is a feeling you have associated with that person. Now, think of someone else you love. Notice there is a different feeling there. Now, think of someone you aren't so fond of. Notice there's a different feeling from either of the first two. These are each embodied person's vibrations, and whether you recognize it or not, you perceive everyone's energy signature a little differently from anyone else, because every embodied soul has its own unique vibrational imprint. You can do the same with words. Try a word packed with emotion for you, such as "anger." Close your eyes and zero in on that vibration. Now, think the word "forgiveness" and do the same. Each word will likely feel significantly different to you when you truly pay attention. It is in this way that we communicate; not just with our channel, but with each and every embodied soul on Gaia. However, just as some of you are better at certain things like "playing piano" or "baking cookies" or "doing karate" or "swimming" than others might be, so are some of you better at receiving and translating vibration. But even the least best (for there is no worst) of you at this can, with practice, develop some level of competence at translating interdimensional language. Many of you do this without even realizing it every time you act on a gut feeling or do something intuitively. You do these things without thinking about it; you make an instantaneous selection from a choice of this or that and go about your day none the wiser that you may have made that choice based on guidance you received that was shared in the interdimensional language of vibration. The way to practice working with interdimensional language is to be in Presence as much as you can, which means quieting the voice of the small I and relegating it to the background. You can accomplish this through meditation or other Presence activities. Which activities will do this for you? Seek those that allow you to slip into the Flow of Being while quieting the inner dialogues of ego. This will be different things for different people. It may be art, writing, jogging, sitting in nature, doing crafts, making music, dancing, yoga, chanting, listening to music, or any of the other interests and activities that bring you to a place of joy, presence, and peace. For example, many painters receive our vibrational language and translate it into color, texture, light, and movement on a canvas. This is why art has such a capacity to move the human soul. Dancers may translate our vibration into movement and expression. Chefs might translate it into flavor, aroma, and texture. All of these are ways to experience and channel our communication in order to bring all of humanity embodied on Gaia to a higher vibrational state. We have told you before through this channel that all of you are capable of channeling Us or those Like Us who are also in the All That Is. And, no matter what form that channeling takes or what name you give it, you are giving voice to Source energy, which shifts, flows, forms, and reforms into the various vibrations you experience as Angels, Guides, Entities, Ascended Masters, and even God. Therefore we tell you this, Masters-in-Training. While you may read our words and they help you understand, do not give in to the idea that words are the only way we communicate with you, or that the words convey the whole of our message. For our message is vibration and our vibration is Love. Our goal through all forms of communication, including this channel, is to spark the vibration within the embodied soul that reminds you to step outside of the small I and, even for brief moments, re-member yourselves as part of the vibrational whole of the All That Is, which is Love. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Go to next message Sign up for the free live George Q&A via Zoom Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com
1 Comment
5/18/2021 08:26:36 pm
Thank you very much for your wisdom.
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AuthorOur Greatest Good is created by Karen Frazier, an author, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, and intuitive energy healer who channels a benevolent group of entities called The George Collective. The Georges, as Karen calls them, have been sharing messages of hope and support for humanity with Karen since she was a child. Archives
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