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BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Greetings! We are overjoyed to communicate with you and share messages of encouragement. Today, our message will be brief but important. We wish to talk to you about pain. What we wish you to understand is this: all pain is communication. When you experience mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual pain (or any other way you might classify your discomfort), you are receiving a signal that something you have attached to does not serve you. This is all pain is - it's a message to tell you that something you are choosing to be, do, have, think speak, or experience does not serve your greatest good. It is a signal to tell you that you are out of alignment. Issues arise, however, when you attach to that signal, apply a label, and use that label to form your self-identity. Attachment to a signal creates the experience of victim, and it is driven by the small I that keeps you within the awareness of being human. What is the small I? It is what you call ego, that which allows you to recognize yourself as a separate entity and identify as the container that you call you call me, myself, or I. Identification with that vessel is essential for the human experience, in which you must at least partially (and usually fully) perceive yourself as separate from others in order immerse in embodiment. Pain is a message from the Oneness. It is a signal from the We which is also the Big I, or that which you call Source, God, Collective Consciousness, the Zero Point Field, or by whatever name you use to identify the energy from which you arise, of which you are always a part, and with which you will fully re-member when you pass from your present form of ego-identification that you recognize as self. Pain is communication. When it arises, notice it but don't attach to it. If something triggers pain, look within to understand what it is in you that has caused that signal to sound and adjust accordingly. If the pain persists, there's more work to do, more to notice, and more to adjust. It helps to recognize that the onus for any adjustment is on you and no one else. Why? Because the pain is always associated with the perceptions of the small I. And while the triggers may feel external (that is, coming from someone or something else outside of yourself), the ultimate reality is this: pain is always an internal experience, and the only way to step outside of the pain is to heed the signal and make internal adjustments. Nobody else can make these adjustments except for you. So, the external being (other person) or experience that triggered the signal was merely the instrument of awareness and not the cause of your discomfort. How you respond to that trigger is always up to you. Your response will determine whether you become identified with the pain and therefore select the label of victim or instead, you choose to notice the signal, be grateful for the message and messenger, and then adapt in a way that better serves your highest good. Pain is a gift you give yourself. It signals misalignment and provides the opportunity for adjustment. We thank you for receiving our message. As always, we walk beside you and wrap you in the support, beauty, and love of Source energy. Our love for you is boundless, and our support for you is endless. We are always here for you because we are One. We are you, you are us, and we remain your humble and loving servants. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Hans Benn from Pixabay
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AuthorOur Greatest Good is created by Karen Frazier, an author, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, and intuitive energy healer who channels a benevolent group of entities called The George Collective. The Georges, as Karen calls them, have been sharing messages of hope and support for humanity with Karen since she was a child. Archives
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