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Karen's note: The George Collective has been active and insistent that I share their messages during this unprecedented time in the history of humanity. The Collective, who I also call "The Georges" have been with me since I was a child, and up until now they've allowed me to work with them and share their words at my own pace, in my own way, and in my own time. The time for me to pace myself with The Georges is over. As they deliver their messages to me, I will share them with you. If they resonate with you, the Georges hope you will share them with others, as well. We are, the Georges tell me, at a critical point in the history of humanity. As a collective of Divine entities caught in the illusion of life on earth, we have the opportunity to decide what happens next. We get to decide what type of world we will emerge into, and even one person choosing to shift their energy has a powerful effect on the whole. BEGIN CHANNELED MESSAGE Did you know the universe breathes? The One, the Divine, the Source. We all breathe together with the pulsation of the cosmos. Do you find it interesting that this virus you call COVID-19 strikes at the most basic act required for life - the processing of air through physical lungs that moves throughout your bloodstream and affects the expression of every cell in your entire body? Nothing is more essential for your physical lives than pulling air into your lungs, and now your lives are consumed by an opportunity that threatens to make that physical act no longer possible for many. How is it that you have come to this place in time with this very specific set of circumstances that has created your current experience? How is it that you have given your governments so much power and control in your lives that they have the option to choose to restrict the access of those struggling to breathe to the equipment that would make it possible? We are speaking to America specifically now: How is it that you have chosen a man to lead you who sees human beings as expendable and less important than numbers on page representing the false concept of currency and wealth? How did it happen that at this moment in history when you all feel you need leadership, you have chosen leaders whose primary goals are self-interest, personal wealth, and power without one iota of concern for serving the greatest good unless they can see how doing so would serve their own individual purposes? How is it that you have come to a place that allows press agencies that also pursue only their own organizational slant on the day’s events, manipulating you through their words and reporting, misinforming you, and obfuscating the truth by reporting only that which serves the news organizations’ own best interests? How is it that you have allowed religions, which purport to be the spiritual backbone and lodestar of humanity, to so deeply distort the truth of the universe and deny you the unconditional love Source energy has for all of you? Citizens of the world, it is time to look at your values and understand where they have brought you. While individuals around the globe more often than not respond to one another with compassion, care, and kindness, the institutions you have created to support you lack any of those redeeming traits. And yet, you continue to turn to them to guide you through your greatest opportunities instead of seeking your own strength. This is a pattern on your planet and among your species that we have watched unfold for millennia. Individually, many of you work to hold a high vibrational space. Collectively, you put your trust into institutions that not only don’t support your professed individual goals of compassion, love and kindness, but actively work against them in order to enrich and empower the few to the detriment of the many. Over the centuries of “civilization” on your planet, you have provided yourself numerous opportunities to create institutions and collectives that support humanitarian initiatives such as love, kindness, compassion, cultivation of joy, peace, and creative expression. And with each of these opportunities, we’ve watched and waited with excitement to see how many of you would grasp the lessons the circumstances provided and make a vibrational shift that supports the path to raising the frequency of all human beings. You haven’t disappointed us. Because with each opportunity, some have shifted, and others have moved closer to being ready to shift. In spite of what your media may report, in spite of what your leaders may profess, in spite of what you may perceive as happening around you with your fellow humans, with each opportunity, some of you have chosen to embrace the challenge, grow your humanity, and raise your frequency. Each time, a few more. There’s an allegorical story some tell of the hundredth monkey, and it applies here. As the story goes, a few monkeys on one island were taught to wash their hands. As monkeys on the island observed the behavior of the few who learned to wash their hands, others began to engage in the behavior as well. And when the 100th monkey on one island started washing his hands, monkeys on nearby islands that had no contact with the original monkeys all, as a group, started washing their hands as well. The story is not true; it’s a thought experiment, but it explains vibrational change and the concept of exponential vibrational shift very well. Small rises in vibrational energy create an exponential effect. So, if one person raises his or her vibration, that person can’t help but affect the vibration of everyone around them, and thus, there is a small positive vibrational change to the whole arising just from one person. As more people work to raise their vibration, the effect becomes stronger and more pronounced. This is the curve that you don’t want to flatten, but it is the curve that your current social isolation is providing you the opportunity to raise. Through this pandemic called COVID-19, your sense of reality is being challenged. For those willing to look, your false idols are beginning to be revealed as just that. False. Take, for example, your concept of currency. For thousands of years, money has driven who is in power, who makes policy, and the very idea of who and what matters in your society. It permeates every aspect of your lives. In many cases, it determines who lives and who dies. It determines how you spend your time. It determines your moods. It determines how you treat one another. And yet, money isn’t real. It is a collective illusion that you, as humanity, have agreed upon. It represents something, and it doesn’t need to exist. As you teeter on the edge of an unprecedented global financial collapse, consider how much control money has over your life, your institutions, the quality of life for all in the world, your happiness, your relationships, your governments, your religions. Has the illusion of currency had a net positive or net negative effect on humanity? How has it affected the vibrations of your planet? Let’s continue with this thought for a moment. Money isn’t real. It’s a collective contrivance, an agreement that places different values on some things, creating a system of judgment around what matters and what doesn’t. And the value judgments created by money extend not only to things (think about it – why is a bar of gold any more valuable than a living ancient tree?) but also to activities and living beings. You have collectively chosen to turn your system of barter into a way to determine who has value, who deserves to live, and even who is allowed access to even the most basic of things necessary for your very survival – such as machines to help people breathe in and breathe out. That’s right. You are so caught up in your illusion of money as a species that your government is allowing it to play a significant role in who gets to breathe and who does not. Money is not real. It’s a collectively agreed-upon illusion. You as a species have decided to assign a numerical value to different bundles of energy, because all matter, all living creatures, all souls are simply that. Bundles of energy. Everything that makes up your world is bundles of energy taking different shapes. It’s all the same energy, and no shape or form has any more inherent value than any other. Your current crisis is revealing the fallacy that money is important and that different bundles of energy have different amounts of worth. As a species in a single moment, you could all collectively decide something else, and your current “financial crisis” would abate. How many of you, without the high values assigned to certain objects, would continue to work in your chosen field if money wasn’t real? How would your systems of government change? How would your religious organizations change? How would how you spend your time change? Would it change how you treat one another? Would it change how you care for each other? Would it change how you treat your most vulnerable? What would it do to your power structures? What would it do to your caste systems, your political structures, the way you educate your children? There are other ways to be. There are ways to organize and live in societies that are supportive, nurturing, and loving that don’t assign false value to one type of energy over another. The energetic concept of money creates false hierarchies. It creates haves and have nots. It tells you who and what is important when really, no soul is any more important than any other soul, and no bundle of energy is any more valuable than any other. Currency is not only the collective illusion of society, but it is the collective infection. You are being deceived in the name of money. You are being suppressed in the name of money. You are being controlled in the name of money. And you are choosing disempowerment in the name of money. And so, you have created this opportunity. Your world leaders are trying to use the old energy to deal with the crisis. They are throwing around or withholding money. They bellow and posture because they are afraid that in this new world you have the opportunity to create, you will suddenly see that their “power” is merely an illusion and that the currency they use to control you is nothing more than an arbitrarily assigned concept that has been used to control the masses for millennia. And certainly, right now, so many of you are worried about money because that is what has been used to control you for so long. You have allowed money to become your prison, but the bars of gold that hold you in place can only restrict you if you all agree that they have the power to imprison you. When you’re not worrying about money, when you’re thinking beyond that, something extraordinary is happening with this opportunity you call COVID-19. More of you now than ever are going within, and more of you now more than ever are reaching out to connect. You are doing these two things—going within and reaching out--simultaneously, because the Divine part of you that is connected to the whole realizes that the true solution lies in what makes you ONE and not what divides you. We have so much more to share with you. It is our plan to keep this channel open. But we have given you much information today, and we would like you to have the opportunity to process it. So, we will leave you with a simple exercise. What many of you are experiencing now is cognitive dissonance as some part of you recognizes that this whole world you have created is built on collective, agreed-upon concepts that have no actual basis in true reality. The cognitive dissonance arises from the fraying of the edges of this fabric of belief you have collectively created and allowed across generations of humanity. If you feel the corners of illusion lifting a little try this: allow it. Peel them back. Step into that discomfort of cognitive dissonance for a moment and fully inhabit it. We are there to help you; you will not engage in this exercise alone. Be with the discomfort. Allow yourself to find that loose thread and tug on it a little. As you sit with the discomfort, you will likely notice that what you perceive as “reality” dissolves a little. But in the dissolving of reality, the truth of who you are and what you are truly capable of will shine through the collective illusions you have created for yourself as human beings. And with that will come concepts for new ways of being that can serve the collective of humanity. We are here and support you in your endeavors. We love you deeply. We respect your work individually and collectively. Please know that we unconditionally love you and are rooting for you as you provide unprecedented opportunity to make a shift. Now is the time to be bold in your imagination and empowered in your discomfort. You are up to the task both as individuals and as a whole. END CHANNELED MESSAGE Read next message Link to original on AuthorKarenFrazier.com Image by Rachmad Ary Wibowo from Pixabay
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AuthorOur Greatest Good is created by Karen Frazier, an author, spiritual teacher, psychic medium, and intuitive energy healer who channels a benevolent group of entities called The George Collective. The Georges, as Karen calls them, have been sharing messages of hope and support for humanity with Karen since she was a child. Archives
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